poročilo o raziskavi
Staša Mlinar (Author), Sonja Hlebš (Reviewer), Nina Hiti (Mentor), Miroljub Jakovljević (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Proučevanje trenda upada telesne dejavnosti po svetu je pokazalo največji upad le-te v času vstopa mladih na univerzo. Glede na smernice Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije je bila v mnogih primerih telesna dejavnost študentov ocenjena kot nezadostna. V pilotni študiji »SLOfit študent« so leta 2015 ocenili, da stanje telesne pripravljenosti študentov ni na ustrezni ravni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil primerjati telesno pripravljenost študentov prvih in tretjih letnikov Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani, poleg tega pa ugotoviti, ali je telesna dejavnost testiranih študentov ustrezna glede na priporočila Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila raziskovalna metoda dela, ki je temeljila na slovenski različici skupine testov telesne pripravljenosti za odrasle osebe in na vprašalnikih o zdravstvenem stanju ter telesni dejavnosti. Anketiranje in testiranje sta bila izvedena v mesecu maju in juniju 2017 na 101 zdravem študentu prvih in tretjih letnikov Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani. Razlike med prvimi in tretjimi letniki smo statistično ovrednotili s Hi-kvadrat testom (p ≤ 0,05). Rezultati: Rezultati vprašalnikov o zdravstvenem stanju niso pokazali statistično značilnih razlik, pri vprašalniku o telesni dejavnosti pa se je razlika pokazala glede udeležbe pri športnem predmetu. Rezultati testov telesne pripravljenosti so statistično značilno razliko pokazali samo pri testu aerobne zmogljivosti, v prid študentom tretjih letnikov. Glede na priporočila o telesni dejavnosti Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije je 82,2 % testiranih študentov zadostno telesno dejavnih, 34,7 % pa v zadostni meri izvaja vaje za krepitev večjih mišičnih skupin. Razprava in sklep: Z vprašalniki smo ugotovili, da med skupinama ni razlik v zdravstvenem stanju in telesni dejavnosti. Kljub temu pa so se študentje višjih letnikov izkazali za bolj zdravstveno ozaveščene, saj izkoristijo več možnosti za telesno dejavnost, kar lahko pripišemo vlogi usvojenega znanja in zavedanja pomena telesne dejavnosti. Testi telesne pripravljenosti so pokazali, da sta obe skupini študentov podobno telesno pripravljeni, z izjemo aerobne zmogljivosti, kar lahko zopet pripišemo usvojenemu znanju. Večina testiranih študentov se je zadostno ukvarjala s telesno dejavnostjo, kar je vzpodbudno, vendar ne zadovoljivo. Kljub izzivom in napakam je v področje promocije zdravja študentov vredno vlagati in ga raziskovati. Ravno temu pa lahko služijo tako vprašalniki kot tudi skupina testov telesne pripravljenosti.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;telesna dejavnost;mladi;promocija zdravja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Mlinar]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 5393003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1080
Downloads: 500
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Physical fitness comparison of first and third year students at Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Throughout the whole world, physical activity decline has been observed. The greatest decline has been found at the time whenstudents enter University. In many studies students’ physical activity has been rated as inadequate, according to the World Health Organization recommendations. Pilot study “SLOfit študent 2015” has evaluated students’ physical fitness as insufficient. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to compare physical fitness of first and third year students at the Faculty of Health Sciences – University of Ljubljana, and to find out whether physical activity of tested students meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Methods: The research report is based upon two questionnaries and on Slovenian group of tests for testing the physical fitness of adults. Research had been held from May to June 2017. and 101 healthy first and third year students at the Faculty of Health Sciences – University of Ljubljana took part in it. The difference between first and third year students were statistically evaluated using a Chi-squared test (p ≤ 0,05). Results: Questionnaire results concerning health status reveal no statistically significant difference, however questionnaires concerning physical activity reveal statistically significant difference in physical education subject participation. Test results show aerobic capacity as statistically significant in favour of the third year students. According to the World Health Organization recommendations, 82.2 % of tested students is performing sufficient physical activity, and 34.7 % is sufficiently practicing muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups. Discussion and conclusion: Questionnaires have shown that there is no difference between the two tested groups, according to health status and physical activity. However, the third year students proved to be more consious about health as they make good use of physical activity opportunities more often. Assumingly, this is due to their gained knowledge and physical activity awareness. Physical fitness tests revealed that the two tested groups have similar physical fitness, with aerobic capacity as an exception, which can again be referred to gained knowledge. Most tested students were sufficiently physically active, which is encouraging, but still it does not fully satisfy us. Despite challenges and flaws, the field of health promotion is worth investing in and exploring, for which the presented questionaires and group of tests can be used.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;physical activity;young;health promotion;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 46 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 10915606