diplomska naloga
Alja Koštomaj (Author), Mateja Dovjak (Mentor), David Antolinc (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo z vidika energijskih kazalnikov in kazalnikov kakovosti notranjega okolja analizirali realen objekt - obstoječo pasivno hišo. Metoda dela vključuje kombinacijo insitu meritev energijskih kazalnikov in kazalnikov kakovosti notranjega okolja z računskimi metodami. Za stavbo smo najprej izvedli termovizijo in preverili prisotnost toplotnih mostov. Izračunane energijske kazalnike (izbrane parametre gradbene fizike in rabe energije) smo primerjali z merjenimi. Ugotovili smo, da se primerjane vrednosti toplotne prehodnosti dokaj dobro ujemajo. Izdelali smo računsko energetsko izkaznico in stavbo uvrstili v energijski razred ter pridobili druge podatke o energijski rabi. Kazalnike kakovosti notranjega okolja (izbrane parametre toplotnega okolja, svetlobnega okolja, kakovosti notranjega zraka) smo primerjali z zakonsko določenimi in priporočenimi vrednostmi. Meritve koncentracije CO2 so v času povečanih aktivnosti pokazale prekoračitev vrednosti, ki jo priporoča standard ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004. Predlagali smo skrb za naravno prezračevanje, v primeru uporabe rekuperatorja pa nastavitev na zmogljivejšo stopnjo delovanja. Mehanski sistem je treba redno čistiti in vzdrževati. Temperatura notranjega zraka, površinske temperature obodnih površin, srednja sevalna temperatura in občutena temperatura so bile v času meritev v skladu z zahtevami Pravilnika o prezračevanju in klimatizaciji stavb. Do sevalne asimetrije ni prišlo. Relativna notranja zračna vlaga je bila v času zimskih meritev zelo nizka, zato je ob pogosti rabi kamina potrebno dovlaževanje zraka. V poletnem času so bile izmerjene previsoke vrednosti relativne zračne vlage, ki so bile posledica takratnih zunanjih klimatskih razmer. Meritve naravne osvetljenosti prostorov niso dosegle priporočene meje le na enem delu opazovanega območja; predlagamo dosvetljevanje s svetili. Raven hrupa zaradi občasnih zunanjih dejavnikov je prekoračila omejitev po Pravilniku o zvočni zaščiti stavb. Glede na dobro energijsko učinkovitost smo predlagali povečanje rabe obnovljivih virov energije. Prišli smo do zaključka, da je za uravnoteženje kakovosti notranjega okolja z energijsko učinkovitostjo pri načrtovanju gradnje potrebno izhajati iz potreb uporabnikov, njihovega zdravja in udobja.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;OG-MO;pasivna hiša;energijski kazalniki;kakovost notranjega zraka;toplotno udobje;svetlobno udobje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Koštomaj]
UDC: 628.8:697(043.2)
COBISS: 8329057 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1673
Downloads: 885
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: In-situ measurements of energy indicators and indoor environmental quality indicators in case of a passive house
Secondary abstract: In the thesis we analyzed an existing passive house building regarding the parameters of energy use and indoor environmental quality indicators. The method includes a combination of in-situ measurements of energy / indoor environmental quality indicators and calculation methods. We carried out the thermal imaging of building envelope in order to check the thermal bridges. Calculated heat flux / U values of constructional complexes were compared with the measured ones and we have found out that there are differences between them. We created a calculated energy certificate of the building and obtained other data on energy use. Indoor environmental quality indicators (selected parameters of the thermal environment, the lighting environment, the interior air quality) were compared with the mandatory and recommended values. Measurements of indoor CO2 concentration during the increased activity time have shown the exceeded values regarding the recommendation by ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 62.1- 2004. We proposed natural ventilation, and in case of recuperator use more intensive operation level must be set up. The ventilation system must be regularly cleaned and maintained. The indoor air temperature, the surfaces temperature of building envelope, the mean radiant temperature and the operative temperature were in accordance with the recommendations of the Rules on ventilation and air conditioning of buildings during the measurement period. Radiative asymmetry was minimal. Relative indoor air humidity was very low at the time of winter measurements. Therefore, when the frequent use of the fireplace, humidification is required. Too high relative humidity values were shown during the summer and we have no possibility to control it because they are the result of outdoor climate conditions. Measured values of daylight illumination did not reach the recommended limits in only one part of the observed area and thus we suggest additional lighting. The noise level due to occasional outdoor factors has exceeded the limit according to the Regulation on sound protection of buildings. Given the good energy efficiency, we proposed to increase the use of renewable energy sources. We have come to the conclusion that in order to balance the indoor environmental quality with energy efficiency, the building design and engineering must follow the needs, heath and comfort of users.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;passive house;energy indicators;indoor air quality;thermal comfort;visual comfort;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 42 str., 1 pril.
ID: 10915607