diplomska naloga
Matic Gošte (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor), Darja Šemrov (Co-mentor)


Promet je danes za vsakega posameznika in družbo kot celoto izrednega pomena. Kako odvisni smo od prometa se najbolj pokaže prav takrat, ko je ta iz različnih razlogov, kot so denimo vremenske nevšečnosti, oviran. Promet danes večinoma sloni na cestnem prometu. Prav na račun slednjega so številne negativne posledice odvijanja prometa, kot so onesnaževanje okolja, hrup, prometne nesreče, zastoji in podnebne spremembe, vedno bolj izražene. Za omejitev naštetih vplivov prometa je pomembna uveljavitev paradigme trajnostne mobilnosti. Njen osnovni cilj predstavlja iskanje alternativ prevladujočemu avtomobilizmu. Pri tem potencialne alternative temeljijo predvsem na javnem potniškem prometu, vozilih na alternativni pogon, aktivnih oblikah premikanja in njihovih kombinacijah. Diplomska naloga v uvodnih poglavjih predstavi vzroke za nujnost sprememb v prometnem sektorju in predstavi osnovno idejo trajnostne mobilnosti. V jedro naloge je postavljena predstavitev nizozemskega modela kombiniranja kolesa in vlaka, ki služi za referenco analizi pogojev v dveh slovenskih mestih, ki sledi v nadaljevanju. Na podlagi izkušenj iz Nizozemske je na koncu naveden še nabor potencialnih ukrepov za izboljšanje trenutnega stanja v Sloveniji.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;B-GR;kolo;vlak;trajnostna mobilnost;večmodalne transportne verige;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Gošte]
UDC: 629.466(043.2)
COBISS: 8328801 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1181
Downloads: 799
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Enabling mobility with bicycle and train
Secondary abstract: Both for every individual and for society at large, transport today is of utmost importance. Our dependence upon transport is best seen when transport is obstructed for reasons such as extreme weather conditions. Transport nowadays relies mostly on road transport. Largely on account of it, negative effects like pollution, noise, accidents, congestion and climate change are increasingly becoming more pronounced. To limit these negative effects, it is necessary to enforce the sustainable mobility paradigm. Its basic goal is to find alternatives to today's predominant motoring. These alternatives are to be based on public transport, alternative fuel vehicles, walking, biking and combinations between them. In its preliminary chapters, this thesis presents reasons behind the necessity of change in the transport sector, continuing then to outlining the basic idea behind the sustainable mobility concept. Presentation of the Dutch model for combining bikes and trains is what follows, serving as a reference for the analysis of existing conditions in two Slovenian cities. It is these two chapters that present the core of my exploration. At the end of this thesis a proposal is presented of measures to improve possibilities for combining bikes and trains in Slovenia that are based on experiences taken from the Dutch model.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;bike;train;sustainable mobility;multimodal transport chains;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 48 str.
ID: 10915608