diplomsko delo
Martina Majger (Author), Angela Obu (Author), Mojca Medič (Reviewer), Nejc Mekiš (Mentor)


Uvod: Splošno rentgensko slikanje je osnovno slikanje medenice, ki se lahko uporablja, kot samostojna preiskava ali kot dopolnilo drugim radiološkim metodam slikanja. Radiografski protokol so postopki in pravila, po katerih izvajamo radiografske posege in so standardizirani. Evropske smernice predstavljajo dosegljive standarde dobre radiološke prakse, ki se lahko uporablja, kot osnova za nadaljnji razvoj in izboljšanje določenih postopkov v radiološki praksi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti protokol pri slikanje medenice v AP projekciji in ugotovili, ali obstajajo kakšna odstopanja med protokoli, ki se izvajajo v slovenskih zdravstvenih ustanovah in tehničnimi zahtevami, ki jih priporočajo Evropske smernice. Metode dela: Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo, s študijo domače in tuje literature. Za zbiranje in obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili anketo. Rezultati: Večina anketiranih zdravstvenih ustanov uporablja digitalni diagnostični rentgenski aparat, velikost slikovnega sprejemnika 35 × 43 cm, hitrostni razred 400, velikost gorišča 1 mm, radiografsko rešetko (število lamel: 80/cm in razmerje rešetk: 12:1), razdaljo gorišče slikovni sprejemnik 115 cm, vrednosti anodne napetosti med 75 kV in 90 kV, avtomatsko upravljanje ekspozicije z izborom obeh stranskih ionizacijskih celic. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati raziskave so delno potrdili našo hipotezo, da med protokoli, ki jih izvajamo v slovenskih zdravstvenih ustanovah in tehničnimi zahtevami, ki jih priporočajo Evropske smernice ni razlik. Od skupno dvanajstih, se s sedmimi vprašanji lahko primerjamo s predlaganim protokolom, odstopanja pa so bila pri skupni filtraciji, številom lamel/ cm, razmerjem rešetke ter pri uporabi zaščite.


diplomska dela;radiološka tehnologija;rentgensko slikanje;medenica;protokoli;evropske smernice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Majger
UDC: 616-07
COBISS: 5391211 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1526
Downloads: 625
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Protocol comparison of pelvis anteroposterior imaging between Slovenian healthcare institutions and European guidelines
Secondary abstract: Introduction: X-ray imaging is basic imaging of pelvis that can be used as independent examination or, in addition to other radiological methods of imaging. Radiographic protocols are procedures and rules by which we perform standard radiographic interventions. European guidelines represent accessible standards of good radiological practice that can be used as a basis for further development and improvement of certain procedures in radiological practice. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma is to present the protocol for x-ray imaging of the pelvis in AP projection and determine if there are any deviations between the protocols that are used in Slovenian health institutions and technical requirements recommended by the European guidelines. Methods: In the elaboration of diploma we used a descriptive method, with a study of domestic and foreign literature. For data collection we used a survey. Results: Most of the surveyed medical institutions use a digital diagnostic x-ray machine, size of picture field 35 x 43 cm, speed class 400, size of the focus 1mm, anti-scater grid (number of lammellas: 80/cm and grid ratio of 8:1), distance between nominal focal spot and picture field 115cm, size of kV is between 75 kV and 90 kV, automatic exposure control with ionization cells on both sides. Discussion and conclusion: Results of the research have partially confirmed our hypothesis, that between the protocols we are performing in Slovenian healthcare institutions and European guidelines, there are no differences. From a total of twelve, with seven questions we can compare with the proposed protocol. The deviations were in the case of total filtration, the number of lamellas per cm, the grid ratio and at use of the protection.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;radiologic technology;X-ray imaging;pelvis;protocols;European guidelines;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za radiološko tehnologijo
Pages: 21 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 10915654