magistrsko delo
Niket Gönc (Author), Klavdij Logožar (Mentor)


Procesi planiranja in nabave predstavljajo pomemben dejavnik pri delovanju farmacevtskih družb in jim pripisujemo velik pomen za uspešen konkurenčen boj med gospodarskimi družbami. Potrebe po raznovrstnih kakovostnih zdravilih so vedno večje, zato je pomembno, da zagotavljajo farmacevtska podjetja stabilno oskrbo trga. V proizvodnji zdravil se podjetja srečujejo s kompleksnim sistemom, velikim številom informacij, širokim spektrom različnih znanj, pridobivanjem surovin z velikega števila različnih lokacij in zmeraj strožjimi regulatornimi zahtevami. Za učinkovito obvladovanje množice dejavnikov je potreben celovit in visoko zmogljiv informacijski sistem. Uporaba primernega informacijskega sistema nudi potrebno podporo celotni oskrbovalni verigi za urejen in napreden proces planiranja in nabave, ki pa omogoča dobro obvladovanje tveganj, s katerimi se podjetje srečuje. Zaradi številnih tveganj, s katerimi se farmacevtska podjetja srečujejo, je potrebno vpeljati ustrezen sistem obvladovanja tveganj in dejavnost kontrolinga. V magistrskem delu smo si zastavili cilj analize postopkov planiranja in nabave v farmacevtskem podjetju. Delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo najprej opredelili postopke in značilnosti procesov planiranja in nabave. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili delovanje in značilnosti izbranega informacijskega sistema, ki predstavlja ustrezno orodje za uspešno obvladovanje procesov planiranja in nabave. Nato smo opredelili vidik dejavnosti kontrolinga in izvajanja kontrol, kot proces aktivnosti podjetja za zagotavljanje skladnosti procesov planiranja in nabave s cilji podjetja. Obvladovanje tveganj predstavlja pomemben proces za zagotavljanje stabilnosti oskrbovalne verige, zato v nalogi posvetimo še nekaj pozornosti pojmu tveganje in zberemo tveganja, s katerimi se farmacevtska podjetja srečujejo. Prav tako povzamemo splošne značilnosti farmacevtskega sektorja. V empiričnem delu naloge smo analizirali procese planiranja in procese nabave v izbranem farmacevtskem podjetju. Predstavili smo praktične primere tveganj, s katerimi se podjetje srečuje in zbrali načine obvladovanja le teh. S področja dejavnosti kontrolinga smo zbrali nekaj iz množice kontrol, ki se izvajajo v procesih planiranja in nabave. Na podlagi spoznanj iz teorije in prakse smo v zaključnem delu naloge podali odgovor na zastavljene hipoteze.


planiranje;nabava;oskrbovalne verige;tveganje;controlling;farmacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Gönc]
UDC: 658.7:005.511(043.2)
COBISS: 13036572 Link will open in a new window
Views: 808
Downloads: 106
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the processes of planning and purchasing in a pharmaceutical company
Secondary abstract: Processes of planning and purchasing are important factors in pharmaceutical companies, with a huge impact on keeping up with other competitive companies. The need for a variety of quality drugs is getting bigger, therefore it is of a great importance that pharmaceutical companies keep the market supplies stable. In the manufacturing of drugs the companies meet with a complex system, a lot of information, a wide range of different skills, delivery of raw materials from different locations and plenty more strict regulatory requirements. A comprehensive and high-performance information system is needed to effectively manage a huge variety of different risks. The use of a suitable information system provides the necessary support for the whole supply chain, regarding the managing of the risks, which we are facing in the processes of planning and purchasing. Due to the many risks faced by pharmaceutical companies, an adequate risk management system and controlling is needed. In the master thesis, our goal was to analyse the planning and purchasing processes in a pharmaceutical company. The work is divided into a theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part of the thesis we first defined the procedures and characteristics of planning and purchasing processes. In the following, we presented the functioning and characteristics of the selected information system, which represents an appropriate tool for successful management of planning and purchasing processes. Then we defined the aspect of controlling and its activities as the process of the company's activity to ensure that the planning and purchasing processes are consistent with the company's objectives. Risk management is an important process for ensuring the stability of the supply chain, so we dedicated some attention to the concept of risk and collect the risks that pharmaceutical companies encounter. We also summarized the general characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector. In the empirical part of the task, we analyzed the planning and purchasing processes in the selected pharmaceutical company. We presented practical examples of the risks that the company encounters and collect ways of controlling them. From the field of controlling activities we collected some of the controls that are carried out in the planning and purchasing processes. Based on the findings from theory and practice, we answered the hypotheses in the final part of the master thesis.
Secondary keywords: planning;purchasing;risks;controlling;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 86 str.
ID: 10915795