magistrsko delo
Cilj magistrske naloge je bil izdelati napravo, ki bo omogočala testiranje vpliva različnih hidravličnih tekočin na najpogosteje uporabljane hidravlične komponente, tako črpalke kot ventile. Kombinirana testna naprava mora biti zasnovana tako, da bo čim bolj učinkovito degradirala najbolj kritične dele hidravličnih komponent.
V magistrski nalogi so uvodoma preučeni obstoječi testi in naprave, ki so v rabi za te namen in so jih zasnovali proizvajalci hidravličnih komponent. V nalogi je predstavljen lasten pristop k izvedbi testiranja, ki bo simuliral delovanje hidravličnega sistema v realnem industrijskem okolju. Obstoječe testne naprave so energetsko zelo potratne, saj uporabljajo pogonski sklop velikih moči, pri čemer je pozornost namenjena zgolj vplivu tekočine na hidravlično črpalko. Ostale komponente, kot npr. krmilni ventili, niso obravnavani.
Krmilje naprave bo izvedeno s programirljivim logičnim krmilnikom, ki bo vse parametre nadziral, jih izpisoval in primerjal. Krmilje bo izvedeno tako, da bo prilagodljivo vsem vrstam testov. Zapisoval in izpisoval bo vse parametre, ki se bodo zaradi obrabe spremenili. Le tako bo ob končanem testu jasen pregled nad podatki.
Rezultat magistrske naloge bo fizično izdelana kombinirana testna naprava za namensko staranje in testiranje hidravlične tekočine in komponent.
hidravlika;hidravlične tekočine;testiranje hidravličnih tekočin;testna naprava;krmilje;mehanizmi obrabe;magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Publisher: |
[J. Weichardt] |
UDC: |
621.22.018:661.177(043.2) |
Views: |
1266 |
Downloads: |
111 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Combined testing device for hydraulic fluids |
Secondary abstract: |
The objective of this work was to build a device, which will allow testing the effects of different hydraulic fluids on the most commonly used hydraulic components, like hydraulic pumps and hydraulic valves. Combined testing device must be designed in a way, which will be most effective in torture testing critical parts and hydraulic components.
This thesis starts with research of already known testing procedures and devices, which were made for torture testing the hydraulic components and were mostly designed by the manufactures of hydraulic components. The thesis represents my own approach to designing the device, which will simulate the operation of hydraulic system in actual industrial environment. The existing devices are energy wasteful, using high-power electric motors. The focus of existing devices is mostly only on the effect of hydraulic fluid on the hydraulic pump, while other components, like control valves are not considered at all.
The device control will be executed by programmable logic controller. The control system will be adaptive and it will enable to adjust the testing procedure depending which component we want to test. It will log all important parameters while components are being worn out. This way the torture tests will be transparently documented of all changing parameters through the whole testing procedure.
The result of this thesis will be actually built multiple-purpose torture testing device intended to age and wore out hydraulic fluid and other hydraulic components. |
Secondary keywords: |
hydraulic fluids;hydraulic fluid testing;testing device design;hydraulic components;wear mechanism;control; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mehatronika |
Pages: |
IX, 49 str., [5] f. |
ID: |
10916055 |