magistrsko delo
Nives Žigart (Author), Nande Korpnik (Mentor)


Kmalu po osamosvojitvi Slovenije leta 1991 so začeli o kompleksih (nekdanjih) vojašnic razmišljati kot del arhitekture in urbanizma mest. S potencialno ukinitvijo vojašnic bi se odprle nove možnosti za javno uporabo njihovih površin. Tudi v primeru vojašnice v Slovenski Bistrici gre za izjemno dobro lokacijo v neposredni bližini mestnega jedra, kar pa povečuje interes javnosti za to območje. Razvoj le-tega je bil namreč zaradi obraščanja in povečevanja mestnega tkiva okoli območja močno omejen. Magistrsko delo obravnava možnost arhitekturnega in urbanističnega preoblikovanja sedanjega območja vojašnice v Slovenski Bistrici po tukajšnjem prenehanju delovanja vojaških funkcij. Naloga ponudi koncept in zasnovo odprtega in javno dostopnega območja, ki postaja razpoznaven del mesta. Le-ta se neločljivo poveže s preostalimi funkcionalnimi enotami v mestu, s tem pa omogoči prebivalcem sodobno bivanje in delovanje. Ustvarijo se raznolike dejavnosti mešane rabe, ki pa so med seboj ločene do te mere, da ustvarjajo primerne bivalne in delovne pogoje brez motečih dejavnikov.


arhitektura;urbanizem;preoblikovanje;zasnova;bivanje;mešana raba;vojašnica;izolirano območje;Slovenska Bistrica;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [N. Žigart]
UDC: 711.16:711.559.6(043.2)
COBISS: 21431318 Link will open in a new window
Views: 796
Downloads: 281
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Architecture transformation of military area in Slovenska Bistrica
Secondary abstract: Soon after the independence of Slovenia in 1991, we began to think about the complexes of (former) military areas as part of the architecture and urban plans of the city. With the potencial abolishment of military areas there would be new possibilities for public uses. In the case of military area in Slovenska Bistrica, we are talking about exceptionally good location in nearness of the city center, which increases the public interests for this area. It’s development was in other words due to the surrounded enlargment of urban tissue very limited. The master’s thesis discusses about the possibility of architecture and urban transformation of the current military area in Slovenska Bistrica, after the termination of military activities and functions. The project is off ering the concept and design of an open and public accessible area that is becoming a distinct part of the city. It is inseparable linked with the remaining functional units in the city and in the same time it enables contemporary residence and work activities for the inhabitants. Various mixed-use activities are created, but they are separated to the point where they create suitable living and working conditions without disturbing factors.
Secondary keywords: architecture;urbanism;transformation;project;residence;mixed use;military area;isolated area;Slovenska Bistrica;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: IX, 100 str.
ID: 10916309