magistrsko delo
Maja Mlinar (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je podrobneje predstaviti postopek prodaje nepremičnin v stečajnem postopku ter za lažje razumevanje tudi osnove samega stečajnega postopka. V stečajnem postopku se prodaja nepremičnin opravi z namenom poplačila terjatev upnikov do stečajnega dolžnika. V večini primerov so ravno nepremičnine predmet ločitvenih pravic, s katerimi imajo ločitveni upniki zavarovane svoje terjatve, zato se v tem primeru prisilna prodaja nepremičnin opravi z namenom uveljavitve prednostnega poplačilnega upravičenja, ki izhaja iz same hipoteke. Ločitveni in navadni upniki morajo svoje terjatve pravočasno prijaviti v stečajni postopek, da bi pridobili pravico do poplačila svojih terjatev iz splošne oz. posebne razdelitvene mase. Dovoljeno je opraviti prodajo le tistih nepremičnin, ki so v lasti stečajnega dolžnika. Stečajni dolžnik se s prodajno pogodbo namreč zaveže, na kupca prenesti svojo lastninsko pravico. Da bi to obveznost lahko izpolnil, mora biti stečajni dolžnik resnični lastnik nepremičnine. V kolikor stečajni dolžnik ni resnični lastnik nepremičnine je zelo pomembno, da resnični lastnik v stečajni postopek prijavi svojo izločitveno pravico. V primeru, da bo njegova izločitvena pravica pri preizkusu terjatev priznana, se bo nepremičnina, ki je predmet te izločitvene pravice, izločila iz stečajne mase in se izročila resničnemu lastniku. V stečajnem postopku za prodajo nepremičnin niso dovoljeni vsi nam znani in mogoči načini prodaje, temveč so pravila glede celotnega postopka prodaje in samega dovoljenega načina prodaje, izrecno določena. Dovoljeni načini prodaje so javna dražba, javno zbiranje ponudb in postopek neposrednih pogajanj. Nepremičnina se na podlagi prvega sklepa o prodaji lahko prodaja samo na podlagi javne dražbe ali zavezujočega zbiranja ponudb. Šele pri dodatnem sklepu o prodaji se lahko prodaja opravi, npr. na podlagi nezavezujočega zbiranja ponudb ali na podlagi neposrednih pogajanj. Izjema od tega pravila so tiste nepremičnine, katerih ocenjena vrednost je manjša ali enaka 15.000 EUR.


stečajni postopek;prodaja nepremičnin;ločitvena pravica;izločitvena pravica;stečajna masa;prijava terjatve;javna dražba;javno zbiranje ponudb;razdelitvena masa;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: M. Mlinar]
UDC: 347.952.4(043.3)
COBISS: 5569579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3591
Downloads: 493
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Selling real estate in the bankruptcy proceedings
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the master thesis is to provide thorough presentation of the procedure of selling real estate in a bankruptcy procedure and for easier understanding also the basis of the bankruptcy procedure. In the bankruptcy procedure, the sale of real estate is carried out with a view to repaying the claims of creditors to the bankruptcy debtor. In most cases, real estate is the subject of separation rights with which creditors have secured their claims, and in this case forced sale of real estate is carried out in order to enforce the preferential repayment entitlement arising from the mortgage itself. Creditors must declare their claims in bankruptcy proceedings in order to obtain the right to repay their claims from the general or special distribution estate. It is permitted to sell only those real estate owned by the debtor. The debtor in bankruptcy, by means of a sales contract, undertakes to transfer to the buyer his property right. In order for this obligation to be met, the bankruptcy debtor must be the real owner of the property. If the debtor is not a real owner of a real estate, it is very important that the real owner declares his exclusion right in bankruptcy proceedings. In the event that his exclusion right is recognized in the examination of receivables, the real estate that is the subject of this exclusion right will be excluded from the bankruptcy estate and handed over to the real owner. In the bankruptcy procedure for the sale of real estate, not all known and possible methods of sale are permitted, but the rules regarding the whole sale procedure and the permitted sales method are explicitly determined. Permitted means of sale are public auction, public bidding and direct negotiation. On the basis of the first sale order, real estate may be sold only on the basis of a public auction or a binding bid. On the basis of an additional sale order, real estate may be sold on the basis of non-binding bid or on the basis of direct negotiations. An exception to this rule are those real estate which estimated value is less or equal to EUR 15,000.
Secondary keywords: bankruptcy procedure;sale of real estate;separation right;exclusion right;bankruptcy estate;registration of receivables;public auction;public bidding;distribution estate;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: V, 71 str.
ID: 10916396