(diplomsko delo)
Monika Dončec (Author), Vida Gönc (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Telesna aktivnost je ključnega pomena za zdrav način življenja. Veliko žensk se prav v času nosečnosti odloči za opustitev telesne aktivnosti, saj imajo pomisleke, da bo le-ta negativno vplivala na plod. Pomembno je, da se ženskam tudi v tem obdobju svetuje vzdrževanje telesne aktivnosti, saj slednja pripomore tudi k lažjemu premagovanju nosečniških težav. Raziskovalna metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Raziskava temelji na kvantitativni metodologiji. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 13 vprašanj. Raziskavo smo izvedli v dispanzerju za ženske, v severovzhodni Sloveniji. Sodelovalo je 30 naključno izbranih žensk v rodni dobi. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so ženske osveščene o telesni aktivnosti v nosečnosti. Poznajo primerne oblike telesne aktivnosti. V času nosečnosti so pridobile dovolj informacij o telesni aktivnosti in poznajo ugoden vpliv telesne aktivnosti na nosečnost in razvijajoči se plod. Sklep: Ženske so informirane o telesni aktivnosti v času nosečnosti. Še vedno pa je delež nosečnic, ki so premalo telesno aktivne. Za boljšo informiranost bi lahko poskrbela večja izbira različnih zloženk, brošur in priročnikov v dispanzerjih za ženske.


nosečnice;vaje za nosečnice;zdravstvena vzgoja;medicinske sestre;šport;vadba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Dončec]
UDC: 618.2: 070.446(043.2)
COBISS: 2404260 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1100
Downloads: 220
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Awareness of women about physical activity during pregnancy
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: Physical activity is vital for a healthy lifestyle. Many women choose to abandon their physical activity during pregnancy, because they have concerns that this will have a negative effect on the fetus. It is therefore important that women are also advised during this period to maintain physical activity, as this also helps to overcome pregnancy problems. Research methodology: In the thesis, we used the descriptive method of work. The research is based on a quantitative methodology. In order to collect data, we used a survey questionnaire containing 13 questions. We conducted the research in the women's dispensary in northeastern Slovenia. There were 30 randomly selected women of child-bearing potential. Results: We have found that women are aware of physical activity in pregnancy. They know the appropriate forms of physical activity. During pregnancy, they have gained enough information about physical activity and know the beneficial effect of physical activity on pregnancy and the developing fetus. Conclusion: Women are informed about physical activity during pregnancy. Still, there is a proportion of pregnant women who are under-physically active. For better information, a greater choice of brochures and manuals could be available in female dispensaries.
Secondary keywords: pregnant woman;exercises for pregnant women;health education;nurse;sport;exercise;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 25 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 10917291