diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov
Luka Pirec (Author), Miha Marič (Mentor)


Čustvena inteligentnost je v zadnjih letih postala aparat za lažjo izbiro kandidata v selekcijskih intervjujih. Kadrovska služba bi jo morala vedno več uporabljati. Čeprav so nekateri dvomili v veljavnost raziskav o čustveni inteligentnosti, pa so strokovnjaki, ki raziskujejo čustvene odzive, ugotovili, da s pravilno uporabo testov čustvene inteligentnosti lahko čustvena inteligentnost postavi utemeljeno napoved službene zmogljivosti, vodstvenih sposobnosti in sposobnosti timskega dela. Popularnost čustvene inteligentnosti, ki so jo potrdile tako empirične kot tudi tehnične raziskave strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo s področjem čustvene inteligentnosti, se je izkazala v pogostosti uporabe le-te kot orodja raziskave zaposlenih v organizacijah. Zaradi pogostosti testa čustvene inteligentnosti se poraja vprašanje, kako se kandidati odzivajo na omenjene teste. Raznolikost v delovni sili je doprinesla k interesu kadrovskih služb, da jo začnejo preverjati. Zaradi razlik med sposobnostmi kandidatov si delodajalci želijo narediti svoje organizacije čim bolj učinkovite. Naša raziskava raziskuje pogostost uporabe čustvene inteligentnosti, koliko se zaposleni v kadrovskih službah zavedajo pomena čustvene inteligentnosti, kako selekcijski postopki variirajo v zasebnem in javnem sektorju ter koliko se kadroviki počutijo čustveno inteligentne. Želeli smo raziskati, koliko se kadroviki čutijo čustveno inteligentne in koliko čustveno inteligentnost uporabljajo v samih zaposlitvenih testih. Osredotočili smo se na pomembnost teh testov in pomembnost same inteligentnosti pri izbiri najprimernejšega kandidata. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili kadrovsko funkcijo, selekcijske postopke in raziskave na tem področju v domačem okolju in v tujini. Empirični del smo izvedli med štirimi kadroviki v domačih podjetjih, v dveh javnih in dveh zasebnih ustanovah. Postavili smo jim pet vprašanj, da bi karseda najbolje raziskali uporabo in zavedanje čustvene inteligentnosti. Vsi so se zavedali, da bi morali povečati uporabo čustvene inteligentnosti in se sami čutijo, da jo posedujejo. Sami čutimo in mislimo, da bi se z uporabo testov čustvene inteligentnosti selekcijski postopki še izboljšali, izločili bi kasnejše prepire in probleme, ker bi lahko predvideli dejanja posameznikov.


test čustvene inteligentnosti;nov način selekcijskih postopkov;testiranje kandidatov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Pirec]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 8014355 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1097
Downloads: 118
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Emotional intelligence in the selection process
Secondary abstract: Although some have questioned the validity of the construct, scholars who examine emotions in the workplace suggest that when it is properly conceptualized, emotional intelligence (EI) can be a valid predictor of important organizational outcomes such as job performance, teamwork, and leadership. EI’s popularization, coupled with empirical and theoretical support, has resulted in its frequent use as a personnel assessment tool in organizations. As organizations increasingly use EI tests as part of the hiring process, it becomes important to examine how job applicants react to assessments of this relatively new construct. Our concern is the need to study whether reactions to EI differ. Our research is based on the prospect of involving EI into the selective purposes, how are employees coping with the significance. The subject of our inquiry is the difference between private and public sector. Specially during the selective interviews, how does the HR use EI in their process. We were trying to find out if the HR managers feel emotional intelligent how much of it they use for the selective purposes. Our focus was the significance of the tests and the importance of intelligence for the choice of the best candidate. The theoretical part of our assignment was the presentation of human resource office, selective purposes and the researches made on that field of science home and abroad. Empirical section of thesis is made of four different HR managers in our state's companies. Two of them are public sector and the other two are private. We asked them five questions to research the best we can, the use and awareness of emotional intelligence. All of them we united in the conviction of enhanced use of emotional intelligence and they all feel as they possess it. We ourselves feel and believe that with the use of emotional intelligence, the selective procedures can improve. We could get rid of belated confrontations and troubles, because we could predict the acts of individuals.
Secondary keywords: emotional intelligence test;new procedure of selection;testing of candidates;EI in HRM;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 32 f.
ID: 10918002
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