naratološka analiza filmov Larsa von Trierja: Dogville in Manderlay
Nika Mušič (Author), Vanesa Matajc (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo preučuje pripoved v literaturi in filmu, pri čemer se opira tako na dognanja strukturalistične naratologije kot tudi na raziskave postklasične naratologije, in sicer predvsem kognitivnih pristopov. Pripoved je v delu predstavljena glede na širšo terminološko opredelitev, torej kot semiotična reprezentacija oziroma fenomen onstran medija, pri tem pa so definirani tudi minimalni pogoji pripovednosti. Obenem je glede na ožjo določitev pripoved obravnavana kot komunikacijsko razmerje s pripadajočimi udeleženci komunikacije, in sicer z največjim poudarkom na konceptu pripovedovalca v literarni in filmski teoriji. Koncepti orisanih naratoloških teorij, izhajajočih iz enega ali drugega pojmovanja pripovedi, so v nadaljevanju magistrskega dela aplicirani na primera filmskih pripovedi - von Trierjeva filma Dogville in Manderlay. Analiza skuša pokazati, kako obe pripovedi s svojo strukturno oblikovanostjo, z manipulacijo prostora in gibanja kamere ter z vzpostavljanjem ironije prek nezanesljivega pripovedovalca usmerjata gledalca pri (re)konstruiranju zgodbe in razbiranju pripovednega pomena.


literatura in film;naratologija;pripoved;pripovedna struktura;nezanesljivi pripovedovalec;intermedialnost;bolonjski magisterij;Trier;Lars von;1956-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Mušič]
UDC: 82.0-3
COBISS: 62793570 Link will open in a new window
Views: 957
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This master thesis examines the narrative in literature and film, relying on the findings of structuralist narratology, as well as on various researches of postclassical narratology, especially those of cognitive approaches. The narrative in this thesis is presented according to its broader terminological definition, and thus as a semiotic representation, or as a phenomenon beyond the media, whilst the minimal conditions of narrativity are being defined. It is also discussed according to its narrower definition as a communication relationship between the participants of the communication, with emphasis especially on the concept of the narrator in literary and film theory. Concepts of the outlined narratological theories, resulting from one or the other definition of narrative, are in the continuation of the master thesis applied to specific cases of film narrative - von Trier films Dogville and Manderlay. This analysis is an attempt to demonstrate how both narratives direct the viewer's (re)construction of a story and his/her comprehension of narrative meaning, especially with their structural form, manipulation of space and camera movement, and with the establishment of irony through an unreliable narrator.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 86 f.
ID: 10918140
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