diplomsko delo
Uvod: Ravnotežje je potrebno za vzdrževanje stabilnega položaja med gibanjem, pri prehodih v različne položaje in med izvajanjem vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Med teste za ocenjevanje sistemov ravnotežja spada modificiran test senzorične interakcije. S postopkom stabilometrije se s pomočjo pritiskovne plošče zabeleži gibanje središča pritiska. Za uporabno meritev je potrebno, da preiskovanec vzdržuje položaj vsaj 30 sekund. Namen: Z meritvami časa in gibanja središča pritiska pri testu stoje na eni nogi smo želeli ugotoviti izvedljivost modificiranega testa senzorične interakcije na eni nogi pri dejavnih starejših. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 21 preiskovancev, starih od 60 do 82 let. Testirali smo stojo na njihovi stojni nogi na pritiskovni plošči v treh različnih pogojih: na trdi podlagi z odprtimi očmi, na trdi podlagi z zaprtimi očmi in na mehki podlagi z odprtimi očmi. Za analizo podatkov smo opazovali najdaljši čas stoje na eni nogi in naslednje spremenljivke gibanja središča pritiska: hitrost, pot v mediolateralni in anteroposteriorni smeri, ploščino, izračunano z metodo Fourierjeve analize obrisa, in ploščino, izračunano z metodo lastnih vrednosti kovariančne matrike. Rezultati: Pri stoji na eni nogi na trdi podlagi z zaprtimi očmi so preiskovanci dosegli povprečen čas 38,7 sekund, na trdi podlagi z zaprtimi očmi povprečen čas 9, 8 sekund in na mehki podlagi z odprtimi očmi 19,9 sekund. Preiskovanci, ki so pri stoji na eni nogi na trdi podlagi z zaprtimi očmi dosegli čas, daljši od 30 sekund, so povprečno opravili 351,6 cm celotne poti, v eni sekundi so povprečno opravili 6,2 cm/s, v mediolateralni smeri so povprečno opravili 235,6 cm, v anteroposteriorni smeri pa 212,9 cm. Ploščina, izračunana z metodo Fourierjeve analize obrisa, je znašala 749,9 cm2 in ploščina, izračunana z metodo lastnih vrednosti kovariančne matrike, 19,0 cm2. Razprava in sklep: Modificiran test senzorične interakcije na eni nogi na pritiskovni plošči za dejavne starejše ni primeren v celoti, zaradi prekratkega časa zadrževanja položaja in s tem premalo podatkov za zanesljivost rezultatov spremenljivk gibanja središča pritiska. Standardna klinična izvedba modificiranega testa stoje na eni nogi, pri kateri se meri čas zadrževanja položaja s štoparico, je pri tej populaciji preiskovancev izvedljiva.
diplomska dela;fizioterapija;ravnotežje;stoja na eni nogi;senzorična interakcija;stabilometrija;starejši;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[J. Podvratnik] |
UDC: |
615.8 |
Views: |
1873 |
Downloads: |
2441 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Viability of the single-leg stance test using a force platform for active older adults |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Balance is required to maintain a stable position during movement, during the transition into a different position, and during everyday activities. A modified sensory interaction test is one of the tests for the assessment of balance systems. In stabilometry, center of pressure movement can be measured using a force platform. For an useful measurement the subject has to sustain the position for at least 30 seconds. Purpose: By measuring time and center of pressure movement during the single-leg stance test on active older adults, we wanted to determine the viability of the modified single-leg sensory interaction test. Methods: 21 subjects participated in the study, aged between 60 and 82. We tested their single-leg stance on their supporting leg using a force platform under three conditions: on a hard surface with the subjects’ eyes open; on a hard surface with the subjects’ eyes closed; on a soft surface with the subjects’ eyes open. To analyze the data, we observed the longest single-leg stance duration and the following center of pressure movement variables: speed, distance in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions, surface area calculated with the perimeter-based Fourier analysis, and surface area calculated using the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Results: The average duration of the subjects’ single-leg stance on a hard surface with their eyes open was 38.7 seconds, on a hard surface with their eyes closed 9.8 seconds, and on a soft surface with their eyes open 19.9 seconds. Subjects who maintained the single-leg stance for over 30 seconds, in total traveled 351,6 cm on average and at 6.2 m/s on average. They traveled 235.6 cm in the mediolateral direction and 212.9 cm in the anteroposterior direction. The area calculated with the perimeter-based Fourier analysis was 749.9 cm2 and the area calculated using the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix 19.0 cm2. Discussion and conclusion: The modified sensory interaction test using a force platform is unsuitable for active older adults, because the time spent maintaining the stance is too short, leading to a shortage of data to ensure reliable center of pressure movement variable results. Standard clinical performance single-leg stance test at which time for standing at one leg is measured, is suitable for this type of subjects. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;physiotherapy;balance;single-leg stance;sensory interaction;stabilometry;older adults; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo |
Pages: |
25 str., [2] str. pril. |
ID: |
10918505 |