magistrska naloga
Barbara Parežnik (Author), Miha Juhart (Mentor)


Zaznamba vrstnega reda za pridobitev lastninske pravice je razpolagano pravno dejanje lastnika nepremičnine, ki je podobno zemljiškoknjižnemu dovolilu, vendar pa se od njega razlikuje v tem, da ni opravljana v korist določene osebe. Zemljiškoknjižni lastnik predlaga vpis zaznambe vrstnega reda na podlagi zemljiškoknjižnega predloga, na katerem je podpis lastnika notarsko overjen. Z vpisom zaznambe vrstnega reda v zemljiško knjigo pridobi predlagatelj te zaznambe pravico razpolagati z zaznamovanim vrstnim redom. Od novele ZZK-1C imajo notarji veliko vlogo pri zaznambi vrstnega reda za pridobitev lastninske pravice. Pomembna funkcija zaznambe vrstnega reda za pridobitev lastninske pravice je varovanje vrstnega reda pridobitve te pravice, katere vpis bo predlagan pozneje, s trenutkom, od katerega učinkuje ta zaznamba. Zaznambi vrstnega reda za pridobitev lastninske pravice je z vidika funkcije varovanja vrstnega reda zelo podobna predznamba. Obe namreč uresničujeta pomembno načelo stvarnega prava, načelo sočasnosti izpolnitve. Uporaba zaznambe vrstnega reda za pridobitev lastninske pravice vnaša v pravni promet z nepremičninami veliko varnost.


zemljiškoknjižno pravo;lastninska pravica;načelo vrstnega reda;zaznamba vrstnega reda;predznamba;vpis v zemljiško knjigo;notarji;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Parežnik]
UDC: 347.2(043.2)
COBISS: 16063569 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6373
Downloads: 1240
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The succession order note for the owner title acquisition in land register
Secondary abstract: The succession order note for the owner title acquisition is a legal act which can be used by the real estate owner and is very similar to the land register permit, but it is also diffrent, because it is not done in favor of a specific person. Real estate owner suggests enrolement of the succession order note for the owner title acquisition based on land register proposal presented by the owner, whose signature must be notary authenticated. With enrolement of the succession order note for the owner title acquisition real estate, owner obtains teh right to dispose of with succession order note for the owner title acquisition. After amendmants to the ZZK-1c, the notarys have a great role in dispose of teh succession order note for the owner title acquisition the notarys. Important function of the succession order note for the owner title acquisition is to secure succession order acquisition, the registration, which will be proposed later, from the moment the succession order note comes into force. The succession order note for the owner title acquisition is of view very similar to the owner title preliminary note from a security point. Both of them realize importent principle of real right, principle of concurrence of fulfillment. Use of the succession order note for the owner title acquisition introduces a higher security in real estate legal operations.
Secondary keywords: land register;succession order principle;the principle of simultaneous fulfillment;succession order note for owner title acquisition;owner title preliminary note;notary public;security of legal operations;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 37 f.
ID: 10919129