diplomsko delo
Nuša Fabjan (Author), Mojca Smolej (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo skuša osvetliti določene primere pravil za zapis vejice v Slovenskem pravopisu 2001. Osredotoča se na zapis polstavčne vejice in z njo povezane modalnosti omenjenih pravil, ki so napisana v prid odločitvi uporabnika. Dotika se tudi problematike enodelnih večbesednih veznikov. Najprej dejstva, da pravopisni priročnik dovoljuje pisavo z vmesno vejico, kadar pomen stavčne strukture zahteva njeno pisavo. V nadaljevanju diplomsko delo odpira vprašanje ustreznosti različnega poučevanja rabe vmesne vejice enodelnih večbesednih veznikov, kjer Slovenski pravopis 2001 predvideva zgolj eno možnost, pisavo brez vmesne vejice. Različno poučevanje se je izkazalo kot posledica splošne rabe, saj ta odstopa od pravopisnega pravila, in razumevanja slovenske vejice, ki je v samem bistvu skladenjsko pogojena, zato uporabnika tehnična rešitev o nerabi vmesne vejice v enodelnih večbesenih veznikih očitno moti. Anketa, izvedena na podlagi zastavljenih vprašanj, je pokazala, da so uporabniki nagnjeni k pisanju vejice, kjer Slovenski pravopis 2001 odločitev o njeni rabi prepušča posamezniku. Anketa je pokazala, da so uporabniki nagnjeni k pisanju vejice celo tam, kjer vejice pravopisno pravilo sploh ne prevideva - med deli enodelnega večbesednega veznika kljub temu da.


slovenščina;pravopis;vejica;skladenjska vejica;polstavčna vejica;eliptična vejica;vezniki;Slovenski pravopis;bolonjske diplome;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Fabjan]
UDC: 811.163.6'35
COBISS: 65115234 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1178
Downloads: 1058
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This diploma paper tries to enlighten some of the rules for comma usage in Slovenski pravopis 2001. It focuses on the rules for using comma in sentences with non-finite verbal forms and the modality of those rules that are in most cases written in users' favour. It also deals with the issue of single-unit multi-word conjunctions. It first deals with the fact that Slovenski pravopis allows the use of those conjunctions with or without the intermediate comma when the meaning of the sentence structure requires the use of it. The diploma paper also opens the question of adequacy of the variety of teaching approaches when it comes to the use of intermediate comma in single-unit multi-word conjunctions. Different teaching approaches are merely the consequence of the common use which differs from the rules described in Slovenski pravopis and the understanding of the Slovenian comma itself, which is in its basis completely syntactically understood. Because of the syntactical nature of Slovenian comma, the technical solution of using those conjunctions without comma obviously bothers the users. The survey based on the issues mentioned at the very beginning showed that the users are very keen to write comma in structures where Slovenski pravopis leaves the decision to them. The survey also showed that the users are keen to write comma even in places where Slovenski pravopis does not suggest the use of comma - in between the parts of the single-unit multi-word conjunction kljub temu da.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: 30 f.
ID: 10919764