magistrsko delo
Leon Ravlan (Author), Polona Tratnik (Mentor), Majda Schmidt (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu skušamo poiskati povezavo med disleksijo in likovno umetnostjo. Opišemo znake disleksije, njene značilnosti in predstavimo nekaj umetnikov s statusom disleksika (Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Andy Warhol in Robert Rauschenberg) in vpliv njihovega razmišljanja za svet likovne umetnosti in njihovih del za razumevanje disleksije. V nadaljevanju je predstavljenih še nekaj likovnih del, ki se nanašajo na t. i. besedno umetnost (word art) ter lastno delo na temo disleksije. Mnogo avtorjev, umetnikov in psihologov se strinja, da je zgodnje odkritje disleksije zelo pomembno za otrokov razvoj in napredek (Clancy, Davis & Braunn, Krajnc, Kruh, Medved, Mihelič). Disleksija ni odvisna od okolja in osebnostnih ter fizičnih lastnosti, saj ne razlikuje med otroci, odraslimi in ostarelimi, kaže se v raznovrstnih težavah, ki jih osebe z disleksijo izkušajo, npr. v oteženem sledenju toka misli. Medtem ko ima večina ljudi bolj razvito levo možgansko hemisfero, je pri osebah z disleksijo prav nasprotno, najbolj izrazita je desna hemisfera, ki je odgovorna za ustvarjalnost in umetniško izražanje. Prav zato so osebe z disleksijo zelo kreativne, ko pa se takšni umetniki specializirajo za določeno področje, svoje zmožnosti razvijejo do nadpovprečne razsežnosti. Magistrsko delo temelji na delih več avtorjev, med njimi domačih: Marija Kavkler, Jure Mikuž in Polona Tratnik; in tujih: Ronald Dell Davis, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Claire Bishop idr. Magistrsko delo je tako zasnovano na teoretičnih besedilih naštetih avtorjev, ki delujejo na področju (likovne) umetnosti ali na področju (specialne) pedagogike, tem pa se pridružujejo številni drugi teoretiki, umetniki in drugi, ki se tako ali drugače navezujejo na dano tematiko. Preučili smo se znanstvenih publikacij oz. monografije, znanstvene članke, intervjuje, spletne vire in šolske učbenike. S pomočjo slednjih bomo poskušali potrditi oz. ovreči naša raziskovalna vprašanja, predpostavke oz. hipoteze.


magistrska dela;branje;disleksija;likovna umetnost;zaznavanje;zrcalna podoba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Ravlan]
UDC: 616.89-008.434.5:73/76(043.2)
COBISS: 23796232 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1206
Downloads: 182
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dislexia and fine art
Secondary abstract: In our thesis, we try to establish a connection between dyslexia and fine art. First, we describe the characteristics of dyslexia and introduce a number of famous artists with this condition (Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Andy Warhol, and Robert Rauschenberg), and the contribution of their deliberations to the world of art, and that of their works for understanding dyslexia. Similarly, we discuss a few notable works of art, relating to word art, and our own work regarding dyslexia. Many authors, artists and psychologists agree that uncovering dyslexia in an early stage of a child's development is crucial for his progress (Clancy, Davis & Braunn, Krajnc, Kruh, Medved, Mihelič). Dyslexia is not dependent on the environment, physical and personal attributes, for it does not differentiate between children, adults and the elderly, while it manifests itself in various difficulties experienced by dyslexics, for instance trouble with following the flow of though. While most people have a more developed left cerebral hemisphere, this is not true for dyslexics, who have a more distinct right cerbral hemisphere, responsible for creativity and artistic expression. That is the reason why dyslexics are more creative, and when such artists specialize in a given field, they develop their abilities to above average dimensions. This thesis is based on the works of many authors, including Slovenes: Jure Mikuž, Marija Kavkler, and Polona Tratnik, and authors from abroad: Ronald Dell Davis, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Claire Bishop, et al. Therefore, it is based on theoretical works of authors, working in the field of Arts or in the field of Special pedagogic education, while works of many other authors, theorists and artists, relevant to this thesis, complement it. We made use of scientific literature, research articles, interviews, web sources and students' books. By using these, we will try to prove or disprove our hypotheses and assumptions.
Secondary keywords: master theses;reading;dyslexia;fine art;perception;mirror image;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: 59 f.
ID: 10919958