diplomsko delo
Tina Novak (Author), Teja Zakšek (Reviewer), Ana Polona Mivšek (Mentor)


Uvod: Spolnost je pomemben element zdravega življenja. Namenjena je ohranjanju potomstva, na drugi strani pa predstavlja čustveno povezanost med partnerjema ob zadovoljevanju spolnih potreb. Za spolno zdravje je pomembno stanje dobrega počutja, ki moškim omogoča polno sodelovanje in uživanje v spolni aktivnosti. Nosečnost in čas po porodu sta obdobji v življenju, za kateri so značilne intenzivne spremembe, ki vplivajo na spolnost ženske in njenega življenjskega partnerja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti izkušnje moških s spolnostjo med nosečnostjo partnerke in v obdobju enega leta po porodu ter raziskati spremembe, ki se pojavijo v teh obdobjih. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, s katero je predstavljen teoretični del obravnavanega področja raziskovanja. V drugem delu pa je uporabljena deskriptivna kavzalna neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Raziskovalni pristop temelji na kvantitativni raziskavi. Podatki so se s pomočjo strukturiranega anketnega vprašalnika zbirali 10 dni. Anketa je bila anonimna. Vzorec ankete so bili moški, katerih partnerke so bile od 6. tedna do vključno 12. meseca po porodu. Rezultati: V raziskavi so moški primerjali spolno zadovoljstvo, spolno željo in pogostost spolnih odnosov z obdobjem pred nosečnostjo partnerke, med nosečnostjo partnerke ter po porodu. Moški so navajali enako zadovoljstvo v 66,2 % v nosečnosti in 67,9 % po porodu. Spolno željo so ocenjevali kot enako s 64,6 % v nosečnosti in 67,7 % po porodu. Le pogostost spolnih odnosov se je zmanjšala na 61,8 % v obdobju nosečnosti in 59,4 % v obdobju po porodu. Razprava: Kljub temu da se frekvenca spolnih odnosov v nosečnosti in po porodu zmanjša, so moški zadovoljni s spolnostjo v obdobju partnerkine nosečnosti kot tudi v obdobju po porodu. Moški na splošno navajajo, da je aktivno spolno življenje pomembno. V obdobju po porodu pa na prvo mesto postavijo posvečanje otroku, komunikacijo s partnerko, čustveno potrditev s strani partnerke in izmenjavo nežnosti. Spolne potrebe v prvih mesecih po porodu niso v ospredju. Zaključek: Z raziskavo smo dobili vpogled v zadovoljstvo moških s spolnostjo med partnerkino nosečnostjo in v obdobju po porodu. Glede na to, da je četrtina moških v naši raziskavi navedla pomanjkanje informacij v zvezi s spolnostjo po porodu, je potrebna individualna obravnava moških skupaj s svojo partnerko v pripravi na starševstvo, tudi z vidika informacij o spolnosti v nosečnosti in po porodu.


diplomska dela;babištvo;spolnost;nosečnost;moški;očetovstvo;poporodno obdobje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Novak]
UDC: 618.2/.7
COBISS: 5407851 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1474
Downloads: 1151
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sexuality during pregnancy and the postpartum period from the perspective of men
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Sexuality is an important part of healthy living. Besides its primary purpose of progeny conservation, it also presents emotional connection between partners needed for successful satisfaction of sexual demands. For sexual health, the state of well-being, which allows men participating and enjoying at sexual activities, is of utmost importance. Pregnancy and postpartum period are the periods of many intense changes which affect sexuality of both, a woman and her spouse. Purpose: The purpose of the degree paper is to present sexual experiences of men during their partners’ pregnancy and in the period of a year after childbirth, as well as to explore the changes which occur during these two periods. Methods: The descriptive method is used in the theoretical part of the degree paper, whereas in the second part, the descriptive casual non-experimental method of empirical research is applied. The research approach is based on quantitative research. The data was gathered in ten days with a survey questionnaire. The survey was anonymous, and it included men whose partners were from 6 weeks up to twelve months postpartum. Results: In the research, the men were comparing sexual satisfaction, desire, and the frequency of sexual intercourses before their partners’ pregnancy, during it, as well as in postpartum period. 66.2 % of them reported equal satisfaction during pregnancy and 67.9 % in postpartum period. 64.6 % assessed sexual desire equal during pregnancy and 67.7 % in postpartum period. The frequency of sexual intercourses decreased to 61.8 % during pregnancy and 59.4 % postpartum. Discussion: Although the frequency of sexual intercourses decreases during pregnancy and in postpartum period, men are satisfied with sexual activities in both periods. They find active sex life very important. In the period after childbirth, they give priority to childcare, communication with their partner, emotional connection with their partner, and exchanging tenderness. Sexual demands are therefore not paramount in the first few months after the birth of a child. Conclusion: The research enabled us to get an insight into men’s satisfaction with their partners’ sexual relationship during pregnancy and in postpartum period. Considering that a quarter of men in our research claimed lack of information regarding sexuality in the period after childbirth, each couple needs to be treated individually in preparation for parenthood, including information concerning sexual activities during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;midwifery;sexuality;pregnancy;men;fatherhood;postpartum;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za babištvo
Pages: 50 str., [10] str. pril.
ID: 10920804