mobilnost, ki zagotavlja trajnostnost
Darka Jezeršek (Author)


Prispevek obravnava najstarejšo in najenostavnejšo obliko prostorske mobilnosti, hojo. Vsako potovanje se začne in konča s hojo. V preteklosti je hoja predstavljala glavni način prometa, nato je z razmahom motorizacije njen pomen začel slabeti. Danes predstavlja način transporta, ki z ničelno emisijo in kot najmanjši porabnik prostora uspešno zagotovlja trajnostno mobilnost, hkrati pa kot oblika telesne aktivnosti pozitivno vpliva na ljudi. V prvem delu prispevka so podana teoretična izhodišča o pomenu hoje skozi zgodovino, mobilnosti in konceptu trajnosti. Analizirani so evropski ukrepi in iniciative za zagotavljanje večje mobilnosti pešcev. Sledi pregled študij, ki temeljijo na konceptu trajnostnega razvoja ter se osredotočajo na povezavo med urbano obliko in hojo. Koncept trajnosti je namreč pripeljal do vprašanja kako povečati kakovost mestnega okolja z zmanjšanjem odvisnosti od avtomobilov in vpeljevanjem nemotoriziranih oblik mobilnosti. Zadnji del prispevka je namenjen primerom dobrih praks urejanja mobilnosti pešcev v evropskih mestih.


hoja;koncept trajnosti;trajnostna mobilnost;urbana oblika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 656.1/.5:502.131.1
COBISS: 13893425 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1854-665X
Parent publication: Revija za geografijo
Views: 774
Downloads: 143
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Walking: mobility that ensures sustainability
Secondary abstract: The paper deals with the oldest and most basic manner of spatial mobility, walking. Every journey begins and ends with walking. In the past, walking was the main mode of transport, however, with the expansion of motorisation its importance began to decline. Today, it is the most environmentally sustainable form of transport, with zero-emission. The pedestrian impact on the environment is minimal. As a form of physical activity it has a positive effect on people. The first part of the paper offers a theoretical framework of the importance of walking through history, mobility and the concept of sustainability. The analysis of the measures and initiatives taken up in Europe is followed by a review of studies based on the concept of sustainable development and the relationship between urban form and walking. The concept of sustainability has led to the question of how to improve the quality of the urban environment by reducing dependence on cars and introducing non-motorised forms of mobility. The paper concludes with examples of good practice from European cities.
Secondary keywords: walking;concept of sustainabilitiy;sustainable mobility;urban form;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 123-131
Volume: 6
Issue: ǂ[št.] ǂ2
Chronology: 2011
ID: 10921718
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