magistrsko delo
Pia Kante (Author), Mojca Golobič (Mentor)


Od leta opredelitve izjemnih krajin Slovenije je minilo več kot dvajset let, pojem pa do danes še ni dodobra uveljavljen. Kljub njihovi pomembni vlogi lahko v velikem delu teh območij zaznamo vrsto nenadzorovanih sprememb nastalih brez načrtov in celostnih premislekov, ki ogrožajo obstoj največjih krajinskih vrednosti. Osrednji del naloge je raziskava, ki ugotavlja povezavo med stanjem izjemnih krajin in načinom njihovega upravljanja. Podatke o spremembah smo ugotavljali s kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizo, upravljanje pa je opisano z instrumenti s področij ohranjanja narave, kulturne dediščine in kmetijstva, dodatno pa je preverjeno tudi upravljanje na občinski ravni. Očitno je, da so izjemne krajine podvržene podobnim procesom spreminjanja kot druga območja v Sloveniji, večina v smeri ekstenzifikacije in intenzifikacije, kljub temu pa se v dvajsetih letih niso spremenile do te mere, da bi bil ogrožen njihov obstoj. Korelacije med načinom upravljanja z izjemnimi krajinami in njihovim stanjem niso jasne. Obravnavali smo območja, ki so bila deležna velikih sprememb in so bila upravljana na vseh ravneh, tista, ki so se spremenila, pa niso bila pod posebnim režimom upravljanja, ter vrsto variacij, ki prav tako niso bile dovolj povedne za jasen zaključek. Trdimo lahko največ to, da režimi s celostnim pristopom in upravljalcem (nacionalni, krajinski, regijski park) na ohranjanje kakovosti izjemnih krajin ne vplivajo negativno, medtem ko drugi režimi na spreminjanje nimajo pomembnega vpliva.


krajinska arhitektura;izjemne krajine;upravljanje s krajinami;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [P. Kante]
UDC: 712.2:711.1/3(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 8963449 Link will open in a new window
Views: 863
Downloads: 638
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Changes to Slovenian outstanding landscapes in relation to the way they are managed
Secondary abstract: More than twenty years have passed since the definition of outstanding landscapes was established. Despite the important role of outstanding landscapes, most of these areas are subdued to a number of uncontrolled changes without plans and comprehensive considerations, which can endanger the existence of the highest landscape values. The central part of the thesis is a survey identifying the connection between the state of outstanding landscapes and their management. Data on changes were acquired through qualitative and quantitative analysis, whereas the means of management are described using the instruments in the field of nature conservation, cultural heritage and agriculture. It is obvious that outstanding landscapes are subject to similar changes and processes as other areas in Slovenia, with most of the changes pointing towards extensification and intensification; nevertheless, in twenty years they have not changed to the extent that their existence is endangered. Correlations between the management of exceptional landscapes and their condition are not clear. We dealt with areas that received major changes and were administered at all levels, those who changed but were not subject to a specific management regime, and a series of variations that were also not sufficient for a clear conclusion. We can claim that the regimes with an integrated approach and manager (national park, landscape park, regional park) do not have a negative impact on the preservation of the quality of exceptional landscapes, while other regimes do not have a significant impact.
Secondary keywords: landscape architecture;outstanding landscapes;landscape management;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: X, 72 f., [15] f. pril.
ID: 10922065