Tina Sovič (Author), Simon Špacapan (Author), Borut Zalar (Reviewer), Rija Erveš (Reviewer)


Skripta Matematika 1 zajema osnovna znanja matematike, ki ga potrebujejo študentje visokošolskih programov Fakultete za gradbeništvo,prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo. V prvem delu skripte so predstavljena poglavja iz področja analize, v drugem delu pa poglavja iz področja algebre. Natančneje, začnemo z zaporedji, kjer opredelimo osnovne pojme, kot so omejenost, monotonost in konvergenca zaporedja. Sledi poglavje, ki na kratko predstavi kompleksna števila in operacije med njimi. Nato so opisane osnovne elementarne funkcije ter predstavljena pojma limita funkcije in zveznost. Definiramo odvod funkcije in pokažemo njegovo uporabo pri določanju lokalnih ekstremov. Odvodu sledi definicija integrala skupaj z njegovo uporabo. Prvi del skripte zaključuje poglavje o funkcijah dveh spremenljivk. V drugem delu predstavimo geometrijske vektorje in operacije med njimi. V nadaljevanju obravnavamo premice in ravnine v prostoru. Skripto zaključimo s poglavjem o matrikah, kjer opišemo osnovne matrične operacije, sisteme enačb in matriko linearne preslikave.


zaporedja;funkcije;odvod;integral;vektorji;sistemi enačb;matrike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.05 - Videolectures and teaching material
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: Univerzitetna založba Univerze
UDC: 51(075.8)
COBISS: 94349569 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-156-8
Views: 2352
Downloads: 601
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Mathematics 1. Script Mathematics 1 is a study guide for students of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture of University of Maribor. The first part contains chapters on analysis, while the second part deals with algebraic topics. The first chapter introduces the concept of a sequence and describes some of its properties, like monotone, bounded and convergent sequence. Complex numbers and operations on them are presented in the second chapter. In the sequel we give a  list of elementary functions and their properties.  The infinitesimal calculus with a detailed explanation of a derivative and the anti-derivative of a function is also given, moreover several applications of these two concepts are shown. The first part concludes with a brief look  into functions of two variables. In the second part we introduce geometric vectors and operations between them, we  discuss lines and planes in the space. We conclude the script with matrices and operations on them, systems of linear equations, and the matrix of a linear mapping
Secondary keywords: sequences;functions;derivative;integral;vectors;sistem of equations;matices
Type (COBISS): Higher education textbook
Pages: 89 str.
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-156-8
ID: 10927250
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