diplomsko delo
Ključni pojem diplomskega dela je ločitev in njen vpliv. V diplomskem delu bomo najprej opredelili potrebe predšolskega otroka ter vlogo družine, natančneje, vlogo očeta in matere, nato opisali razloge za ločitev, ki so opredeljeni pod pojmom težave v družini. V osrednjem teoretičnem delu se bomo osredotočili na to, kako ločitev staršev vpliva na socialno-emocionalni razvoj predšolskega otroka. Ob naštetem bomo opredelili tudi vlogo odraslih, ki je v procesu ločitve staršev in tudi po sami ločitvi za otroka zelo pomembna. Razdelili jo bomo na vlogo staršev in na vlogo strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo dobljene rezultate dobili iz anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih izpolnili vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojiteljev v mestnem in podeželskem okolju. Raziskali smo, katere spremembe vedenja, po mnenju strokovnih delavcev, ločitev prinaša otrokom, kaj otrok v tem primeru najbolj potrebuje. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali so ločitve med starši pogostejše v mestu ali na podeželju. Pridobljene podatke smo povezovali s teorijo in jih primerjali z zastavljenimi hipotezami.
diplomska dela;predšolski otroci;socialno-emocionalni razvoj;ločitev;pomoč;vloga vzgojitelja;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[I. Muršič] |
UDC: |
316.363.5:159.942-053.4(043.2) |
Views: |
1328 |
Downloads: |
248 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Impact of divorce on social-emotional development of a preschool child |
Secondary abstract: |
The key concept of my bachelor's degree thesis is divorce and its impact. In the beginning of my bachelor's degree thesis I will define the needs of a preschool child and the role of the family, more exactly the role of the mother and the father. Then I will describe the reasons for divorce which are defined under the concept problems in the family. In the main theoretical part, I will focus on the impact of divorce on a social-emotional development of a preschool child. I will also define the role of the adults and its importance for a child in the process of divorce and after it. I will divide it into the role of parents and into the role of teachers in nursery schools. In the empirical part of my bachelor's degree thesis I deal with results that I have got from the questionnaires filled in by nursery school teachers and their assistants both in urban and rural area. I made a research to what extent the behaviour of children changes according to teachers' opinion, what needs a child has after divorce, and I also tried to find out whether divorce rate is higher in the cities or in the rural area. All gained data was connected to the theory and compared with the set hypothesis. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;preschool children;social-emotional development;divorce;help;preschool teacher's role; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo |
Pages: |
50 f. |
ID: |
10928280 |