magistrsko delo
Jure Jakšić (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor), Borut Bratina (Co-mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali delodajalčevo odškodninsko odgovornost za škodo zaradi stresa na delovnem mestu. Stres je prisoten na vseh področjih našega življenja in je naš stalni »spremljevalec«. Gre za stanje človekovega organizma, ki najde svojo utemeljitev tako v medicini, biologiji in psihologiji, kakor tudi v managementu človeških virov. V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se poudarja prisotnost in pomen stresa v strokovni in poljudni literaturi. Po patofiziološki opredelitvi je stres »stanje v okolju ali organizmu, ki potencialno ali dejansko ogroža celovitost ali življenje organizma« (Grubič, 2016, str. 5). Sam izvor stresa ni enoznačen pojem, saj gre za spletišče različnih dejavnikov, ki medseboj tvorijo svojevrsten konglomerat. Pogosto je vodilni vzrok za stres (predvsem negativni) ravno služba, ki jo opravljamo. Dejavniki stresa v delovnem okolju so predvsem preobremenjenost, nadlegovanje na delovnem mestu, delovne razmere, odgovornost za druge, vrsta zaposlitve, nejasnost vlog, slaba organizacija itd. Z izrazom negativni stres opisujemo stres s škodljivimi učinki na zdravje. Negativni stres je posledica neskladja med zahtevmi in sposobnostmi, ki so manjše od zahtev. Medicinska znanost je dognala povezavo med stresom in vrsto bolezni (srčnimi boleznimi, rakom, kožnimi boleznimi, depresijo ipd). Kljub razširjenosti tematike in vsesplošnem zavedanju prisotnosti in škodljivosti stresa, mu slovensko odškodninsko pravo (tako v teoriji kot v praksi) ni namenilo zadosti pozornosti. Odškodninska odgovornost je vrsta obligacijskega razmerja, katerega vsebina je obveznost odgovorne osebe povrniti oškodovancu škodo za katero odgovorja, in pravica oškodovanca od odgovorne osebe zahtevati povrnitev te škode. Da bi odškodninska odgovornost nastala, morajo nastopiti določena pravna dejstva, na nastop katerih pravo veže obveznost povrniti povzročeno škodo. Ta pravna dejstva se pojmujejo kot predpostavke odškodninske odgovornosti. To so protipravnost oziroma nedopustno škodljivo dejstvo, vzročna zveza med protipravnostjo, ki izvira iz sfere odgovorne osebe, in negativno posledico (škodo), ki nastane v sferi oškodovane osebe, sama škoda, ki je lahko premoženjska ali nepremoženjska, ter krivda (posameznik sicer lahko izjemoma odgovarja tudi objektivno tj. ne glede na krivdo). Magistrsko delo sestoji iz treh sklopov. V prvem sklopu smo najprej, upoštevaje aktualna znanstvena dognanja, opredelili značilnosti stresa, ob tem ugotovili vzroke za stres in kako so le-ti lahko povezani z ravnanji delodajalca, nato smo opredeliti posledice stresa za posameznika (psihične, fiziološke in vedenjske). V drugem sklopu smo ob analizi splošnih predpostavk odškodninske odgovornosti poskušali odgovoriti na vprašanje ali je delodajalec lahko odškodninsko odgovoren za škodo zaradi stresa na delovnem mestu. V tretjem sklopu smo pozornost namenili relevantni sodni praksi s področja odškodninske odgovornosti delodajalcev (tako domači kakor tuji). V magistrskem delu smo ugotovili, da se tako nacionalni in mednarodni pravni viri s področja varnosti in zdravja pri delu nanašajo tudi na stres kot negativen vpliv na zdravje, ter da je delodajalec tako po pravilih o splošni odškodninski odgovornosti, kakor tudi po pravilih o poslovni odškodninski odgovornosti lahko odgovoren za škodljive posledice stresa na delovnem mestu, ter smo s tem potrdili vse tri postavljene hipoteze.


stres;delovno okolje;varnost pri delu;zdravje pri delu;delodajalec;odškodninska odgovornost;škoda;krivda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Jakšič]
UDC: 331.44:347.51(043.2)
COBISS: 13068316 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1213
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employer's tort liability for damages caused by work related stress
Secondary abstract: Master thesis deals with employer’s tort liability for damages caused by work related stress. Stress is present in all areas of our lives and is our daily "companion". It is a state of human organism which is scientifically researched in medicine, biology, psychology and also in human resources management. In the last few decades there has been a significant recogniction of stress in scientific and as well in popular literature. According to the pathophysiological definition, stress is "a state in an environment or an organism that potentially or actually threatens the integrity or life of an organism" (Grubič, 2016, p. 5). The very source of stress is not a single concept but it is a web of various factors that form a peculiar conglomerate. Often, the leading cause of stress (especially negative) lies in our professional life. Factors of stress in the working environment are, above all, work overload, harassment at the workplace, working conditions, responsibility for others, type of employment, uncertainty of roles, bad organization, etc. Negative stress describes stress with harmful effects on health. Negative stress is caused by imbalance between requirements and abilities that are less than requirements. Medical science has identified a link between stress and some type of illnesses (heart disease, cancer, skin diseases, depression, etc.). Slovenian tort law (both in theory and in practice) did not pay enough attention to stress, despite the prevalence of the topic in and the general awareness of the presence and harmfulness of stress. Tort liability is the type of obligational relationship. It is the obligation of the responsible person to compensate the injured party for the damages caused by the actions of responsible person, and the right of the injured party to claim damages from the responsible person. Tort liability depends on certain legal facts which must occur. These legal facts are regarded as prerequisites of tort liability. These are: unlawfulness or unacceptably harmful fact, the causal link between the unlawfulness that originates from the sphere of the responsible person and the negative consequence (damage) that arises in the sphere of the injured person, the damage itself, which can be material or non-material, and the culpability (in some circumstances an individual can also be tort liable without being culpable i.e. strict liability). The master's thesis consists of three sections. In the first section, according to the current scientific findings, we have determined the characteristics of stress, determined the causes of stress, and how they can be related to the behavior of the employer, and then determinated the consequences of stress for the individual (psychological, physiological and behavioral). In the second part, by analyzing the general prerequisites of tort liability, we tried to answer the question whether the employer can be held liable for damage due to stress at the workplace. In the third part, we paid attention to the relevant case law in the field of liability for damages (both domestic and foreign). In the master's thesis, it has been established that both national and international legal acts which regulates health and safety at workplace also refers to stress as a negative impact on health, and that the employer is according to the rules on general tort liability as well as the rules on contractual tort liability can be responsible for the harmful effects of stress at work, and by that we have confirmed all three hypotheses.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: stress;workplace stressors;employer’s tort liability;workplace safety and health;contractual tort liability.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 80 str.
ID: 10930582