diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Jasmina Milinčić (Author), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


Varnost je ena temeljnih človeških dobrin in jo lahko opredelimo kot stanje, v katerem je zagotovljen uravnotežen fizični, duhovni, duševni in gmotni obstoj posameznika in družbene skupnosti v razmerju do drugih posameznikov, družbenih skupnosti in narave (Grizold, 1999: 23). Obveščevalne službe so pomemben instrument za zagotavljanje varnosti države. Te službe imajo moč, katera temelji na njihovih intelektualnih in materialnih potencialih; na tajnosti, v kateri zbirajo, hranijo in obdelujejo podatke, na vztrajnem kopičenju informacij ter na poseganju v človekovo zasebnost in druge temeljne pravice. Kjer je moč, tam so možne tudi zlorabe te moči, bodisi za zasebne ali politične namene. Zaradi zlorab obveščevalnih služb lahko pride do ogrožanja temeljev demokracije, zato je v sodobni demokraciji potrebno nenehno nadzirati obveščevalne službe in tudi tiste, ki s temi službami upravljajo. Nadzor nad izvršilno vejo oblasti in še posebej nad obveščevalnimi službami je večplasten. Izhaja iz ustavnih temeljev države, odvisen pa je tudi od demokratične tradicije in politične kulture, konkretnih razmerij med posameznimi vejami oblasti, dosežene stopnje razvoja demokratičnih odnosov, zgodovinskih okoliščin ter drugih dejavnikov. Posebnost nadzora nad obveščevalnimi službami je ta, da ne more biti urejen na enak način, kot je urejen nadzor nad ostalimi deli državne uprave, saj delovanje obveščevalnih služb javnosti in tudi ostalim znotraj državne uprave ne sme biti popolnoma pregledno, sicer ne more biti učinkovito. Obstoj ustrezne pravne podlage oziroma normativne ureditve je zato eno osrednjih vprašanj in pogojev nadzora nad obveščevalnimi službami.


obveščevalno-varnostna dejavnost;obveščevalne službe;SOVA;nadzor;notranji nadzor;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: J. Milinčić]
UDC: 351.746.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3539690 Link will open in a new window
Views: 859
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Security is a fundamental human right and can be defined as a situation in which there is provided a balanced physical, spiritual, mental and material existence of the individual and the community in relation to other individuals, societies and nature (Grizold, 1999: 23). Intelligence agencies are an important instrument for ensuring security for the country. These services have the power, which is based on their intellectual and material potentials; on the secrecy in which they collect, store and process the data in the persistent accumulation of information as well as interference with personal privacy and other fundamental rights. Where there is power, there are also possible abuses of power, whether for private or political purposes. Abuses of intelligence services can lead to compromising the foundations of democracy, therefore, in a modern democracy one must constantly monitor the intelligence services, as well as the individuals who manage these services. Control of the executive branch and in particular of the intelligence is multi-faceted. It is derived from the constitutional foundations of the country and it depends on the democratic tradition and political culture, specific relationships between branches of the government, the stage reached in the development of democratic relations, historical circumstances and other factors. The speciality of the oversight of the intelligence services is that it cannot be regulated in the same manner as control of other parts of the state administration, for the functioning of the intelligence services must not be fully transparent to the public and others within the government, otherwise it cannot be effective. The existence of an adequate legal basis or regulatory environment is therefore one of the central issues and conditions of the oversight of the intelligence services.
Secondary keywords: Intelligence and security services;internal surveillance;surveillance of intelligence and security services;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 54 str.
ID: 10932932
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