(magistrsko delo)
Anton Holc (Author), Marija Ovsenik (Mentor)


Temeljni namen dela je bila primerjava, v koliki meri je prisotno izgorevanje na delovnem mestu v zdravstveni negi v domovih za starostnike. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako se soočajo s stresom in izgorevanjem na delovnem mestu ter na kakšen način ga poskušajo preprečiti oziroma omiliti. Primerjavo smo izvedli med dvema domovoma za starostnike; enim v Republiki Sloveniji in enim v Republiki Avstriji. Cilj dela je bil analizirati rezultate ankete in ugotoviti, ali in kje je izgorevanje na delovnem mestu bolj prisotno ter izsledke prikazati in interpretirati. Na osnovi rezultatov predlagati rešitve za izboljšanje stanja. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo, glede na zapise v znanstveni literaturi, identificirali vzroke stresa v delovnem okolju, simptome stresa in njegove posledice ter strategije spoprijemanja s problemi ter posledice izgorevanja na delovnem mestu (deskriptivna metoda in metoda kompilacije). V empiričnem delu smo analizirali rezultate raziskave med zaposlenimi v slovenskem domu za starostnike DSO Gornja Radgona in zaposlenimi v domu za starostnike Gepflegt Wohnen Hart bei Graz v Avstriji, ki je temeljila na anketnem vprašalniku. Podatke smo računalniško obdelali s programi Microsoft Excel in SPSS 17.0 (deskriptivna metoda in analiza). Rezultati kažejo, da je stres pri delu in posledično znaki izgorevanja nekoliko bolj zaznaven v slovenskem domu za starostnike kot pri kolegih v Avstriji. Nikjer niso izgoreli, oboji imajo stresno delo in so pri delu preobremenjeni. Za omilitev stresorjev bolje skrbijo v Avstriji. Gradijo na delovni klimi in se organizirano družijo izven delovnega časa. Veliko vlogo namenjajo povratni informaciji in odnosom med vodilnimi in izvajalci zdravstvene nege. Rezultati so bili nekako pričakovani, saj poznamo zaposlovalno politiko tako v Sloveniji kot v Avstriji, a nas je tako majhna razlika presenetila. Kljub kadrovski podhranjenosti, stresu, preobremenjenosti pri delu in znakih izgorevanjaimajo slovenski izvajalci zdravstvene nege radi svoje delo in pri delu s starostniki niso izgubili srčnosti.


izgorevanje na delovnem mestu;stres;zdravstvena nega;dom za starostnike;zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [A. Holc]
UDC: 614.253:616-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2429348 Link will open in a new window
Views: 963
Downloads: 180
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary title: Burnout at workplace among nursing staff in homes for the elderly– a comparison Slovenia - Austria
Secondary abstract: The fundamental purpose of the survey was to compare severity of the employee Burnout presence at workplace in retirement nursing homes. We were also interested in what manner employees confront stress and burning out at workplace as well as ways of alleviating it. The comparison was performed between two retirement nursing facilities; first placed in Republic of Slovenia, second in Republic of Austria. The goal of the study was to analyze the questionnaire results and conclude whether and/or where the presence of burnout is more significant. To suggest possible improvements of the state based on gathered results. The work itself is divided into theoretical and empirical part. According to scientific literature we managed to identify the causes of workplace stress, its symptoms along with consequences of being stressed, ways of stress management as well as consequences of being burned out at workplace (using descriptive method and compilation method). Through the empirical part we analyzed results of the survey within employees of Slovenian retirement home DSO Gornja Radgona as well as employees of the Austrian retirement home Gepflegt Wohnen Hart bei Graz. The survey was based on the questionnaire. We processed gathered data with computer program Microsoft Excel and SPSS 17.0 (descriptive method and analysis). Results show that stress at workplace as well as consequent signs of burning out are slightly more recognizable within employees of the Slovenian retirement home in comparison with Austrian colleagues. Neither are burned out, they all contend with stress at work and are overburdened. In terms of stress alleviation it is better taken care of in Austria. They tend to build on working atmosphere through organized gatherings of the employees when off professional duty. The feedback between nursing leadership on one and the actual nursing performers seems to play the major role, as well as the attitude between the two. The results were expected to some degree as we are familiar with the Slovenian employment policy as well as the Austrian, but then again we got surprised by a difference of such a small measure. Despite personnel being underfed, overburdened, stress at work and some signs of being burned out, Slovenian staff claims to love their work and never to have lost warm-heartedness when working with elderly.
Secondary keywords: workplace burnout;homes for the elderly;workplace satisfaction;Health personnel;Nursing care;Stress, psychological;Homes for the Aged;Zdravstveno osebje;Zdravstvena oskrba;Psihični stres;Domovi za starejše;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VIII, 72 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 10937678