magistrsko delo


Mladostništvo je najbolj rizično razvojno obdobje za pojav tveganega vedenja, ki se pogosto prenaša tudi v kasnejša življenjska obdobja in ima številne negativne posledice tako za posameznika kot za njegovo okolico. Za učinkovito preprečevanje omenjenega vedenja je ključno ustrezno identificiranje občutljivih mladostnikov. Namen magistrskega dela je razložiti vlogo družinskih procesov in osebnostnih značilnosti pri pojavu tveganega vedenja. Vzorec je sestavljalo 185 mladostnikov. Uporabili smo vprašalnik družinskih procesov (AFP), vprašalnik osebnostih značilnosti (BFI) in vprašalnik tveganega vedenja (ARQ). Za preverjanje hipotez smo uporabili t-test, Mann-Whitneyjev U test, korelacije ter multipla regresija. Izkazalo se je, da se tvegano vedenje negativno povezuje z bližino in podporo v družini, s sprejemljivostjo in vestnostjo ter pozitivno s konfliktom v družini in ekstravertnostjo. Ekstravertnost in odprtost se pozitivno povezujeta z iskanjem vznemirjenja, nevroticizem pa z antisocialnim vedenjem. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da se prepričanje o tveganosti negativno povezuje s tveganim vedenjem ter pozitivno z vestnostjo in nevroticizmom. Prav tako prepričanje o tveganosti negativno napoveduje tvegano vedenje, konflikt v družini in ekstravertnost pa ga napovedujeta pozitivno. Ugotovili smo tudi razlike med spoloma v prepričanju o tveganosti. Rezultati sicer nakazujejo tudi na razlike med spoloma v tveganem vedenju, vendar se te niso izkazale kot statistično pomembne. Omenjene ugotovitve odpirajo možnosti oblikovanja ustreznih preventivnih programov ter intervencij za preprečevanje tveganega vedenja pri mladostnikih.


magistrska dela;mladostništvo;tvegano vedenje;prepričanje o tveganosti;družinski procesi;osebnostne značilnosti;velikih pet faktorjev osebnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Ledinek]
UDC: 159.923-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 23975432 Link will open in a new window
Views: 833
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Connection of family processes and personality characteristics with risky behaviours in adolescence
Secondary abstract: Adolescence is the riskiest developmental period for risky behaviour appearance, which frequently transforms into later periods in life and has numerous negative consequences for an individual as well as for his surroundings. It is of key importance that we appropriately identify sensitive adolescents for efficient prevention of the mentioned behaviour. The purpose of the master's thesis has been to explain the role of family processes and personal characteristics with risky behaviour appearance. The sample of the research included 185 adolescents. The questionnaire of family processes (AFP), the questionnaire of personal characteristics (BFI), and the questionnaire of risky behaviour (ARQ) have been included in the research. We have used t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, correlations and multiple regression for testing of the hypotheses. We have found out that risky behaviour negatively correlates to closeness and support in a family, with acceptability, and conscientiousness and positively with conflict in a family and extraverted personality. Extraverted personality and openness are positively correlated with the search of excitement, neuroticism with antisocial behaviour. Results show that conviction of risk is negatively correlated with risky behaviour and positively with conscientiousness and neuroticism. Conviction of risk negatively predict risky behaviour, conflict in a family, and extraverted behaviour predict it positively. We have found out the differences in conviction of risk. The results show also the differences between genders in risky behaviour, however, they have not showed any statistical importance. The mentioned findings open possibilities for shaping of appropriate preventive programs and interventions for preventing risky behaviour with adolescents.
Secondary keywords: master theses;adolescence;risky behaviour;conviction of riskiness;family processes;personality characteristics;big five personality factors;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: III, 94 f.
ID: 10937681