diplomsko delo
Klemen Steklačič (Author), Mateja Videmšek (Reviewer), Marta Bon (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv gibalnih sposobnosti (predvsem koordinacije gibanja celega telesa) na uspešnost v nogometni igri pri otrocih, starih od 5 do 6 let, ki so se že organizirano ukvarjali z nogometom. Raziskava je temeljila na vzorcu 13 nogometašev, starih od 5 do 6 let. S pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS (opisna statistika, regresijska analiza, t-test neodvisnih vzorcev, enofaktorska analiza variance) smo analizirali povezanost dobljenih rezulta-tov v testu koordinacije in povprečnih ocen igralne uspešnosti. Proučevali smo tudi vpliv predhodnih gibalnih izkušenj merjencev na uspešnost v nogometni igri in rezultate pri koordinacijskem testu. Za preverjanje uspešnosti v nogometni igri smo uporabili povprečje desetih ocen, dveh sodnikov na petih vadbenih enotah. Uporabljena je bila petstopenjska ocenjevalna lestvica (1-5). Koordi-nacijo gibanja celega telesa smo preverjali s koordinacijskim testom »poligon nazaj, vzpenjanje in spuščanje« (PNVS). Upoštevali smo najboljši rezultat izmed treh ponovitev. Rezultati v koordinacijskem testu »poligon nazaj, vzpenjanje in spuščanje« so bili pri našem vzorcu merjencev v veliki meri povezani z njihovo uspešnostjo v nogometni igri (r = 0,75). S tem se je potrdilo, da je koordinacija gibanja celega telesa ena izmed najbolj pomembnih gibalnih sposobnosti, ki lahko napoveduje igralno uspešnost. Rezultati testiranja gibalnih izkušenj naših merjencev so pokazali povezanost in vpliv na uspešnost v igri in na rezultate koordinacijskega testa pri otrocih, starih od 5 do 6 let. Za še bolj uporabne zaključke bi potrebovali razširjeni vzorec merjencev.


šport;nogomet;predšolski otroci;razvoj otroka;gibalni razvoj;kognitivni razvoj;čustveno-socialni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;dejavniki uspešnosti;model igre;model igralca;uspeh v igri;koordinacijski test;regresijska analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [K. Steklačič]
UDC: 796.332-053.4
COBISS: 5337265 Link will open in a new window
Views: 738
Downloads: 318
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The connection of certain motor skills of 5- and 6- year-old soccer players to their game performance
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this dissertation was to find out what influence motor abilities, mainly coordination of movement of the whole body, had on successfulness in soccer play for children aged from 5 to 6, that have already been engaged in soccer in an organised way. This research was based on a sample of 13 soccer players which were 5 to 6 years old. We analysed the characteristics of results obtained from the test of coordination and from the average evaluation of children's successfulness in soccer play, with the help of statistical program SPSS (descriptive statistics, regression analysis, t-test of independent samples, one-way ANOVA). We also analyzed the influence of children's preliminary motor experiences on successfulness in soccer play and on the results of the coordi-nation test. For verification of successfulness in soccer play we used the average evaluation of 10 marks, based on assessment of two referees from 5 different training sessions. The assessments were determined in accordance with specified evaluation scale (1-5). We analyzed the coordination of movement of the whole body with the coordination test, which was composed of backward movement, clim-bing and descending. We used the best result of every individual out of three repetitions of coor-dination test. We found out that the results of the coordination test had a very strong influence on successfulness in soccer play for children aged from 5 to 6 (r = 0,75). We came to the conclusion that coordination of movement of the whole body is one of the most important motor abilities in relation to soccer play. According to the research motor experiences had a very strong influence on successfulness in soccer play and on the results of the coordination test for children aged from 5 to 6. For more useful results we should have had an extended sample of individuals.
Secondary keywords: Preschooler;football;game performance;coordination test;motor abilities;regression analysis.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10937950