Helena Vrecl-Kojc (Author), Bojana Dolinar (Author), Roman Klasinc (Author), Ludvik Trauner (Author)


V akumulacijska jezera z visokimi dnevnimi oscilacijami nivoja vode, kot na primer pri črpalnih hidroelektrarnah, se običajno črpa rečna voda, ki vsebuje različne koncentracije suspendiranega materiala glede na določena časovna obdobja in rečni pretok. Prispevek prikazuje analizo procesa sedimentacije suspendiranega materiala, ki temelji na interakciji med sedimentacijsko hitrostjo in gibanjem vode. Sedimentacijska hitrost grobozrnatih delcev je v prisotnosti sile vzgona funkcija velikosti sedimenta. S pomočjo laboratorijskih preiskav suspendiranega materiala iz vzorcev rečne vode so podane odvisnost velikosti sedimenta in koncentracije suspendiranega materiala glede na različni rečni pretok, odvisnost med koncentracijo suspendiranega materiala v vodi in pretokom v določenem časovnem obdobju ter razmerje med koncentracijo suspendiranega materiala in pretoka. Slednja odvisnost je kot novost prvič izražena z eksponentno funkcijo. Gibanje vode v rezervoarju z visokimi dnevnimi nihanji je analizirano s tridimenzionalnim modeliranjem tekočinskih tokov. Ocenitev rezultatov je prikazana na primeru načrtovane črpalne hidroelektrarne Kozjak na reki Dravi.


suspended load;water motion;sedimentation;sedimentation transport;pumped hydroelectric power plant;reservoir;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
UDC: 624.131.23
COBISS: 12905750 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1854-0171
Parent publication: Acta geotechnica Slovenica
Views: 1410
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Analiza procesa in dinamike sedimentacije suspendiranega materiala v akumulacijskih jezerih z visokimi dnevnimi oscilacijami
Secondary abstract: The river water pumped into reservoirs with high daily oscillations, e.g. at pumping hydroelectric power plants, contains different amounts of suspended load depending on the time period and the riverćs discharge. This paper presents an analysis of the suspended-load sedimentation process that is based on the interaction between the sedimentation, i.e., the settling, velocity and the motion of the water. The settling velocity of spherical particles in the presence of a buoyancy force is a function of the particle size. Laboratory investigations of the suspended material from the river-watersamples have determined the ratio between the particle size and the concentration of suspended material with respect to the river discharge, the ratio between the concentration of suspended material in the water and the discharge, and the relationship between the concentration of suspended material and the discharge of water, which is for the first time expressed as an exponential function. The motion of the water in the reservoirs with high daily oscillations is solved by the three-dimensional modeling of the liquid streams. The evaluation of the results is presented for the case of the planned Kozjak pumping hydroelectric power plant on the River Drava.
Secondary keywords: lebdeče plavine;gibanje vode;sedimentacija;transport sedimentov;črpalna hidroelektrarna;akumulacijsko jezero;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 40-49
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ5
Issue: 2
Chronology: 2008
ID: 10939525