diplomsko delo
Marko Veber (Author), Janez Kramberger (Mentor), Tilen Ravlan (Co-mentor)


POVZETEK V podjetju SIJ Ravne System d. o. o., oddelek Noži, izdelujejo raznovrstne nože, ki jih je potrebno po končani obdelavi pripraviti za transport. Da bi postopki priprave in pakiranja nožev potekali hitreje smo dobili nalogo, da projektiramo avtomatizirano pakirno linijo. Namen naloge je bil projektirati pakirno linijo, ki zajema proces kontrole, razmagnetenja, signiranja, oljenja, pakiranja in tehtanja izdelkov. Preden smo se lotili projektiranja smo si ogledali trenutne razmere in način dela v pakirnici ter nato sestavili zahtevnik. Sledila je izdelava idejne skice in modela zasnove. Postopek konstruiranja se je pričel s konstruiranje transportnega traku ter nato nadaljevali s posameznimi delovnimi enotami. Ko smo skonstruirali vse sestavne dele pakirne linije smo jih sestavili v celoto in nastal je model celotne pakirne linije. Izdelali smo tudi stroškovno analizo.


pakiranje;avtomatizirana linija;transportni trak;projektiranje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Veber]
UDC: 621.867-11:621.798(043.2)
COBISS: 22148630 Link will open in a new window
Views: 887
Downloads: 230
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design of packaging line for knifes
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT At SIJ Ravne Systems d. o. o., at division Industrial Knives, the workers make a variety of knives that need to be prepared for transport after finishing the treatment. In order to make the knife preparation and packaging procedures faster, we were given the task of designing an automated packing line. The purpose of the Diploma paper was to design a packing line that includes the process of controlling, demagnetizing, labeling, greasing, packing and weighing of the products. Before we started designing, we had looked at the current situation and the way things work in the packing line and then compiled the requester. That was followed by the production of the conceptual draft and model of the design. The construction process began with the construction of the conveyor belt, and after that, it was continued with the work on individual work units. When we constructed all the components of the packing line, we put them together into a complete packing line model. We also made a cost analysis.
Secondary keywords: packaging;automated line;conveyor belt;design;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Konstrukterstvo
Pages: X, 43 f., [9] f. zganj. pril. z načrti
ID: 10940934