primeri: Rogaška Slatina, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně in Františkovy Lázně
Tina Bratuša (Author), Marjeta Ciglenečki (Mentor), Franci Lazarini (Co-mentor)


Vsi štirje v nalogi obravnavani zdraviliški kraji (Rogaška Slatina, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně in Františkovy Lázně) so se razvili na podoben način, in sicer ob glavnem izviru zdravilne vode, okoli katerega so nato nizali drugo zdraviliško arhitekturo. Na nadaljnji urbanistični razvoj so vplivali različni dejavniki, od ozkega ustroja doline, reke, do gričevnatega sveta, močvirnatega terena ipd. V preteklosti so bili ti kraji središča, kjer so se zbirali aristokrati in intelektualci iz celotne Evrope. Skozi čas pa so se v teh kompleksih pričele kazati podobne težave. S slednjimi besedami merim predvsem na slabe konservatorske prakse znotraj zdravilišč in na zavestno rušenje pomembnih historičnih objektov ter na uvajanje modernejših zgradb v sama središča teh delikatnih urbanističnih organizmov. S takšnimi posegi so večkrat nasilno porušili harmonijo arhitekture zgodnejših obdobij ali pa jo vsaj zasenčili. Kot velika težava se zdi v vseh primerih tudi prenasičenost arhitekture, ki ogroža okoliške parke, okrasne vrtove in naravno krajino - brez teh pa naravno zdravilišče ne more biti uspešno. Edini smiselni način, da slednje spremenimo, je osveščanje javnosti o pomembnosti teh arhitekturnih kompleksov in opozarjanje stroke na spregledane težave.


magistrska dela;urbanizem;Rogaška Slatina;Karlovy Vary;Mariánské Lázně;Františkovy Lázně;klasicizem;središčna os;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Bratuša]
UDC: 711.455(043.2)
COBISS: 23981576 Link will open in a new window
Views: 875
Downloads: 129
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Urban development of Central European health resorts
Secondary abstract: All four health resorts (Rogaška Slatina, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně) have developed in a similar manner, i. e. along the main healing water spring; other health resort architecture was added around it later. The urban development that followed was influenced by various factors, from the narrow geography of the valley, the river and hilly surroundings, marsh terrain, etc. In the past, these places were centres where aristocrats and intellectuals from all around Europe gathered. As time went by, these resorts started experiencing similar problems. Here we mean mainly poor conservation practises of the resorts and conscious demolition of important historical objects as well as the implementation of modern buildings in these centres of delicate urban organisms themselves. These kinds of interventions repeatedly and violently broke the harmony of the architecture of earlier periods or at least overshadowed it. A big problem in all cases also seems to be the over-saturation of architecture which endangers the surrounding parks, decorative gardens and the natural landscape - without these, a natural health resort cannot be successful. The only reasonable way to change this is to promote public awareness about the importance of these architectural complexes and to alert discipline of the professionals about overlooked problems.
Secondary keywords: master theses;urbanism;Rogaška Slatina;Karlovy Vary;Mariánské Lázně;Františkovy Lázně;classicism;central axis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino
Pages: V, 176 f.
ID: 10940960
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