magistrsko delo
Katja Ugovšek (Author), Katja Košir (Mentor)


Otroci z avtističnimi motnjami imajo pogosto težave na področju socialne interakcije, komunikacije in imaginacije, zato se velikokrat težje vključijo v skupino vrstnikov. V magistrski delu smo se odločili raziskati, kakšni so odnosi med učenci z avtističnimi motnjami ter njihovimi vrstniki na rednih osnovnih šolah. Uporabili smo dva strukturirana intervjuja. Enega smo izvedli z osmimi učenci z avtističnimi motnjami, drugega pa z osmimi strokovnimi delavci, ki delajo z njimi na rednih osnovnih šolah. V intervjuju, ki smo ga izvedeli z učenci z avtističnimi motnjami, nas je zanimalo, ali se učenci z avtističnimi motnjami v razredu čutijo socialno sprejete, kakšna je njihova komunikacija z vrstniki, kakšne so njihove aktivnosti z vrstniki, dotaknili smo se tudi nasilja. Pri slednjem nas je zanimalo, ali so učenci z avtističnimi motnjami žrtve/izvajalci nasilja. V intervjuju, ki smo ga izvedli s strokovnimi delavci, smo se osredotočili na to, kako oni zaznavajo odnose med učenci z avtističnimi motnjami ter njihovimi sovrstniki. Zanimalo pa nas je, kakšna je njihova vloga pri socialni vključenosti učencev z avtizmom ter v procesu medvrstniškega nasilja. Rezultati intervjuja, izvedenega med učenci z avtističnimi motnjami, so pokazali, da se učenci z avtističnimi motnjami na splošno dobro razumejo z vrstniki ter da se med njimi čutijo socialno sprejete. Podobne rezultate je pokazal tudi intervju, izveden med strokovnimi delavci. Slednji so mnenja, da je večina učencev z avtističnimi motnjami sprejeta s strani vrstnikov, odnose pa v splošnem ocenjujejo kot dobre.


magistrska dela;medvrstniški odnosi;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;učenci z avtističnimi motnjami;redne osnovne šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Ugovšek]
UDC: 373.3.064.3:616.896(043.2)
COBISS: 23982344 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1051
Downloads: 168
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Peer relations and students with autism disorders in elementary school
Secondary abstract: Children with autistic disorders often have issues in the areas of social interaction, communication and imagination, therefore they integrate in their peer groups with more difficulty. In this master's degree thesis we decided to research the relations among students with autistic disorders and their peers in full elementary schools. We have used two structured interviews. The first was carried out among eight students with autistic disorders, and the second among eight social counsellors, who work with those students in full elementary schools. In the interview, carried out among students with autistic disorders, our aim was to find out, whether the students with autistic disorders feel socially accepted in their class, how they communicate with their peers, which are the activities they do with their peers, and we also touched upon the problem of bullying. The aim of the latter was to find out, whether are the students with autistic disorders also victims or executors of bullying. The focus of the interview, carried out among the social workers, was to find out, how they perceive the relations among students with autistic disorders and their peers. We also aimed to find out about their role in social integration of autistic students and in the process of peer bullying. The results of the interview, carried out among students with autism, have shown that pupils with autistic disorders have, in general, good relations with their peers and that they feel socially accepted among them. The interview, carried out among social workers, has given similar results. In social workers' opinion, most students with autistic disorders are accepted by their peers and the students' relations are, in general, estimated to be good.
Secondary keywords: master theses;peer relations;children with special needs;students with autistic disorders;full elementary schools;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: 140 f.
ID: 10940971