Erdal Uncuoğlu (Author), Mustafa Laman (Author)


The behavior of a laterally loaded short rigid pile founded in a two-layer sand soil profile has been investigated. For this purpose, a series of model tests were carried out on model piles. The effects of the elasticity modulus, dilatancy and interface behavior of the sand have been explored numerically by performing a series of three-dimensional non-linear finite-element analyses. The lateral load capacities in the layered sand conditions have been calculated using the methods proposed by Brinch Hansen (1961) and Meyerhof et al. (1981). The results obtained from experimental studies, numerical analyses and a conventional method were compared with each other. The results proved that the parameters investigated had a considerable effect on the behavior of short rigid piles subjected to lateral loads. It was also shown that the value of the ultimate lateral load capacity could vary significantly, depending on the methods used.


lateral load;short pile;two-layered sand;model test;finite element;lateral effective stress;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
UDC: 624.078.74
COBISS: 262542336 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1854-0171
Parent publication: Acta geotechnica Slovenica
Views: 573
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Bočna nosilnost kratkih togih pilotov v dvoslojnih nevezljivih tleh
Secondary abstract: V članku je predstavljena raziskava bočno obteženih kratkih pilotov v dvoslojnih peskih. Za ta namen je bil izveden niz modelnih preizkusov na modelih pilotov. Z izvedbo niza tridimenzionalnih nelinearnih analiz s končnimi elementi so bili raziskani učinki elastičnega modula, dilatacije in interakcije peska in pilota. Bočne nosilnosti pilotov v pogojih slojevitih peščenih tal so bile izračunane z metodami Brinch Hansen (1961) ter Meyerhof idr. (1981). Med seboj so bili primerjani rezultati dobljeni z eksperimentalnimi študijami, numeričnimi analizami in konvencionalno metodo. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo preiskovani parametri precejšen učinek na obnašanje bočno obteženih kratkih togih pilotov. Prikazano je tudi, da vrednost mejne bočne nosilnosti pomembno varira glede na uporabljeno metodo.
Secondary keywords: gradbene konstrukcije;piloti;napetosti;bočna obtežba;metoda končnih elementov;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 19-43
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ8
Issue: ǂ[no.] ǂ2
Chronology: 2011
ID: 10941016