delo diplomskega projekta
Nastija Rajh (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


V obdobju globalizacije in naraščajočega sodelovanja med pripadniki več različnih kultur so dobri mednarodni odnosi odvisni tudi od prizadevanj, ki jih vložimo v spoznavanje drugih kultur in v seznanjanje drugih z lastno kulturo. Kultura posameznih narodov je sestavljena iz vrednot, jezikovnih posebnosti, religije, običajev in navad ter številnih drugih elementov. Premagovanje medkulturnih razlik med narodi je pomembno zaradi njihovih medsebojnih odnosov. Mednarodni odnosi obsegajo gospodarsko in politično sodelovanje z drugimi državami. Kulturna diplomacija olajša razumevanje kultur drugih narodov in seznanjanje drugih narodov z našo kulturo. Za države je bistveno, da spodbujajo razvoj možnih področij kulturne diplomacije in vzpostavijo mednarodne mreže diplomatov in atašejev na tem področju, saj tako krepijo kulturne, politične, gospodarske in druge dimenzije medsebojnih odnosov. Mednarodne organizacije so pomemben dejavnik na področju mednarodnih odnosov, saj velikokrat predstavljajo pobudnike in nevtralno območje za reševanje mednarodnih problemov. V diplomskem projektu raziskujemo pomen diplomacije v sodobnih mednarodnih odnosih s poudarkom na kulturni diplomaciji. S ciljem ugotovitve dobrih praks analiziramo kulturno diplomacijo Francije in Nemčije kot vodilnih evropskih držav na tem področju. Preučujemo tudi potencial in aktivnosti Slovenije na tem področju ter izvedemo primerjalno analizo potencialov za kulturno diplomacijo Slovenije, Francije in Nemčije.


diplomacija;kultura;mednarodni odnosi;mednarodne organizacije;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Rajh]
UDC: 327:316.7
COBISS: 13065500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1030
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations
Secondary abstract: In the era of globalization and increasing cooperation among the members of several different cultures, good international relations depend on the efforts we put into becoming familiar with other cultures and into introducing our own culture to other nations. The culture of individual nations consists of values, language peculiarities, religion, customs, habits and many other elements. Overcoming intercultural differences among nations is important because of their mutual relations. International relations encompass economic and political cooperation with other countries. Cultural diplomacy facilitates understanding of the cultures of other nations and familiarizing of other nations with our own culture. It is essential for countries to facilitate the development of possible areas of cultural diplomacy and establish international networks of diplomats and attaches in this field, since in this way they strengthen the cultural, political, economic and other dimensions of mutual relations. International organizations are an important factor in international relations, as they often represent initiators and a neutral area for solving international problems. In the diploma project, we explore the importance of diplomacy in contemporary international relations, with an emphasis on cultural diplomacy. In order to identify good practices, we analyse the cultural diplomacy of France and Germany as the leading European countries in this field. Additionally, we study the potential and activities of Slovenia in this field and perform a comparative analysis of the potentials for cultural diplomacy of Slovenia, France and Germany.
Secondary keywords: diplomacy;culture;cultural diplomacy;international relations;international organizations;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 37 str.
ID: 10941187