diplomsko delo
Dean Ghira (Author), Damir Karpljuk (Reviewer), Mateja Videmšek (Mentor)


Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, ali so predšolski otroci v slovenskih vrtcih v Italiji dovolj športno aktivni. Analizirali smo pogostost izvajanja športnih dejavnosti v vrtcu, trajanje vadbenih ur in ponudbo vsebin, ki jih vzgojitelji predstavijo otrokom. Poleg tega nas je še zanimalo, kakšni so materialni in prostorski pogoji v vrtcih ter strokovna usposobljenost zaposlenih vzgojiteljev. Podatke raziskovalnega dela smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je obsegal 16 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Vzorec anketirancev je zajemal 32 vzgojiteljev iz 32 slovenskih vrtcev v tržaški in goriški pokrajini v Italiji. Za obdelavo podatkov ter prikaz grafikonov in tabel smo uporabili program Microsoft Office Excel. Rezultati so pokazali, da bi bilo potrebno nameniti še več časa športnim dejavnostim. Dve tretjini vrtcev otrokom nudi ustrezno število ur športnih dejavnosti, ostala tretjina pa premalo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ima polovica zaposlenih vzgojiteljev visoko stopnjo izobrazbe (univerza), druga polovica pa nižjo (višjo srednjo šolo). Višja stopnja izobrazbe nudi več idej ter boljše strokovne in organizacijske sposobnosti. Prišli smo tudi do zaključka, da so prostorski in materialni pogoji v slovenskih vrtcih v Italiji skromni, kar lahko znatno znižuje kvaliteto vadbenih ur. Z diplomskim delom želimo poudariti pomembnost športne dejavnosti v vrtcih in spodbuditi vzgojitelje in ravnatelje k večjemu vključevanju gibanja v slovenskih vrtcih v Italiji.


šport;predšolski otroci;športna dejavnost;gibalna dejavnost;življenjski slog;zdravje;igra;športni pedagog;športni pripomočki;igrala;slovenski vrtci;Italija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [D. Ghira]
UDC: 796.01(450)-053.4
COBISS: 5338033 Link will open in a new window
Views: 816
Downloads: 355
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sport activity of preschool children in Slovenian kindergartens in Italy
Secondary abstract: The main aim of this dissertation is to find out whether preschool children in Slovene-language kindergartens in Italy practise enough sport. With this aim in mind we wanted to record how frequently sport activities are carried out in kindergartens, as well as the length of sport classes and the type of activities children are offered by their educators. Moreover, we wanted to identify what kind of equipment and what venues are available for sport activities in kindergartens and what professional qualifications kindergarten educators have. The data used in this dissertation was collected through a questionnaire which consisted of 16 multiple-choice questions. The respondents were 32 educators who work in Slovene-language kindergartens in the Italian provinces of Trieste and Gorizia. The data collected was processed using Microsoft Office Excel and presented in graphs and tables. The results show that more attention should be paid to sport in kindergartens. In two thirds of kindergartens children are offered an adequate number of hours of physical activities, while one third of kindergartens does not offer enough sport activities. The results also reveal that 50% of the respondents have completed a university education and obtained a university degree, while the remaining 50% only have a high-school diploma. Our findings seem to suggest that, when it comes to organising sport activities, educators with a university-level education have more ideas and better professional and organisational skills. Based on our findings it may also be concluded that the equipment and venues available for sport activities in kindergartens are rather poor, which often has a negative impact on the quality of the physical activity practised. The ultimate aim of this dissertation is to highlight the importance of sport in kindergartens and motivate educators and headmasters to include more physical activity in the curriculum of preschool children.
Secondary keywords: Sport activity;preschool children;Slovenian kindergartens;Italy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10941603