magistrsko delo
Anja Pristovnik (Author), Bojana Globačnik (Mentor)


Razvoj inkluzije v vzgoji in izobraževanju je odvisen od učiteljev in ostalih strokovnih delavcev, ki poučujejo na šoli. Učitelj je tisti, ki se mora dodatno izobraževati in bogatiti svoje znanje, da lahko to prenese na učence s posebnimi potrebami in njihove vrstnike. Za uspešno vključevanje inkluzije v šolski sistem in izvajanje le-te pa so pomembna učiteljeva stališča do otrok s posebnimi potrebami, znanje, podpora, ki jo potrebuje za delo, različni pristopi, metode, tehnike dela in spoštovanje različnosti učencev. Osrednji cilj magistrskega dela je bil raziskati stališča strokovnih delavcev in učiteljev do otrok s posebnimi potrebami v občini Slovenske Konjice. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč in postavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj je bil v raziskavi uporabljen anketni vprašalnik, ki vsebuje 15 trditev. Anketirali smo 20 učiteljev, 10 iz Osnovne šole Pod goro in 10 iz Osnovne šole V parku (prilagojeni program). Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so stališča sodelujočih pozitivna. Učitelji sprejemajo inkluzijo in z njo tudi inkluzivne pedagoge. Težava je le v tem, da veliko učiteljev še ni imelo priložnosti sodelovati z njimi, saj na šolah ni veliko zaposlenih s tem nazivom.


magistrska dela;inkluzija;inkluzivni pedagogi;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;stališča;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Pristovnik]
UDC: 37.091.21(043.2)
COBISS: 24016136 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1418
Downloads: 287
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teachers' standpoints towards special teacher in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice
Secondary abstract: The development of inclusion in education depends on teachers and other professional workers who teach at school. A teacher is the one who has to continue educating themselves and enrich their knowledge so it can be passed on to learners with special needs and their peers. For a successful integration of inclusion into the school system and its implementation teacher's attitudes towards special needs children, knowledge and work support, different approaches, methods, techniques of work and respect for the diversity of learners are important. The master's thesis main aim was to explore the views of professional workers and teachers towards special needs children in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice. On the basis of the theoretical starting points and the set of research questions a questionnaire with 15 claims was used in the survey. 20 teachers, 10 from Primary school Pod goro and 10 from Primary school V parku (a special school) were interviewed. The results of the research show that teachers' standpoints towards inclusive teacher are positive. The teachers accept inclusion and inclusive teachers. The only problem is the fact that many teachers have not had the opportunity to cooperate with them, because schools do not have many employees with this title.
Secondary keywords: master theses;inclusion;inclusive teachers;children with special needs;standpoints;education;schools;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: 91 f.
ID: 10941804