magistrsko delo
Ajda Tomažič (Author), Aleš Maver (Mentor), Dragan Potočnik (Co-mentor)


Čeprav je med nastankom Svetega pisma in Korana več kot tisoč let razlike, imata knjigi veliko skupnega. Območja, na katerih sta se rodili danes najbolj brani knjigi, so bile pred njunim nastankom prepredena z nomadskimi plemeni, trgovskimi karavanami in politeizmom, ki je na Arabskem polotoku živel do nastopa Mohameda. Medtem ko je Stara zaveza Svetega pisma nastajala postopoma in bila povezana z zgodovino celotnega ljudstva, je Koran nastal v vihri političnih in vojaških konfliktov po prerokovi smrti. Mohamedove besede se niso tako kot svetopisemske zgodbe prenašale ob ognjišču iz roda v rod, marveč v kratkem obdobju med Mohamedovimi sledilci. Znanstveniki so si o nastanku Stare zaveze precej enotni, besedila delimo na posvetna in duhovna. Glede Korana pa še zmeraj prihaja do precejšnjih nasprotij med vzhodnimi in zahodnimi teorijami. Med njimi je najbolj znana Nöltkejeva teorija o deljenju sur na tiste, ki so nastale v Meki, in tiste, ki so nastale v Medini. Podobnosti med svetima knjigama pa segajo od dekaloga do omembe svetopisemskih očakov. Za prenašanje svetopisemske ideje v arabski prostor sta bila pomembna trgovina in romarsko središče Kaaba v Meki, v prostoru pa so se že ob Mohamedovem rojstvu trle monoteistične in polieteistične religije, ki so na koncu vplivale na oblikovanje sur, kot jih danes najdemo v Koranu. V njem je omenjenih Deset božjih zapovedi, ki so v Koranu sicer spremenjene in prilagojene, vendar jih je težko spregledati. Nomadska ljudstva so se povezovala v plemena in klane, v obeh virih pa jih je povezovalo predvsem čaščenje svojih prednikov. Pomembna so tudi prehranska pravila, kjer vsak vir prepoveduje različne živali, od morskih do tistih, ki živijo na kopnem, ter omemba in simbolični pomen različnih sadežev. Pomen sadja se kaže tudi v tem, da je omenjeno kot hrana, ki vernike čaka v raju. Spolnost mora biti po obeh besedilih nadzorovana in je namenjena reprodukciji. Dotaknila sem se tudi pomena ženske, katere naloga je služiti svojemu možu in mu dati čim več moških potomcev. Oba vira zagovarjata patriarhalno družbo, vendar ima položaj ženske pomembno vlogo. Podobnosti je tako najti še v postavljanju primerov popolne ženske, v Koranu so to bile tudi prve sledilke Mohameda, ki so knljučno vpivale na sestavo koranskih besedil po Mohamedovi smrti.


magistrska dela;Sveto pismo;Koran;Stara zaveza;Abraham;Mojzes;Mohamed;Izrael;Arabski polotok;Meka;Medina;svetišča;nomadi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Tomažič]
UDC: 930.85:27-23+28-23(043.2)
COBISS: 23961352 Link will open in a new window
Views: 914
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reflections of everyday life in the Bible and the Qu'ran
Secondary abstract: Although there are more than a thousand years between the creation of the Bible and the Qur'an, the two books have a lot in common. Before the two most read books of our time were written, the regions of their origin were inhabited by nomadic tribes. Trade caravans roamed in the desert and polytheism ruled the Arabian Peninsula until Muhammad. While the Old Testament of the Bible was written and collected gradually, and was deeply intertwined with the history of the entire people, the Koran, on the other hand, was written amidst political and military conflicts after the prophet's death. Consequently, unlike the stories of the Bible which were relayed through oral transmission around campfires from one generation to another, the words of Mohammed were shared among his followers in a brief period of time. There is consensus among scientists about the origin of the Old Testament. We distinguish between secular and religious texts. Regarding the origin of the Qur'an, there is conflict between the Eastern and Western theories. Among them, the best known is the Nöltke theory which distinguishes among the surahs of the Qur'an between those that originated in Mecca and those that originated in Medina. The similarities between the Bible and the Qur'an range from the Decalogue to the mentioning of the Church Fathers. Trade and the pilgrimage centre of Kaaba in Mecca were the decisive factors for the spread of the biblical thought across the Arabian Peninsula. At the time of Muhammad's birth, the region was saturated with monotheistic and polytheistic religions, which later influenced on the formation of the surahs of today's Qur'an. The Qur'an mentions the Ten Commandments, which have been altered and adapted, but are difficult to overlook nonetheless. In both sources, the nomadic peoples, which formed clans, are presented as having worshipped their ancestors. Both sources also mention prohibited food, such as different aquatic and terrestrial animals, and also different types of fruit and their symbolism. Fruits in particular are mentioned as food which awaits the faithful in paradise. Sex is also mentioned; sexual intercourse must be controlled as should only serve as means for reproduction. The role of women is also defined and stressed. A woman should take care of the needs of her husband and bear as many sons as possible. Both sources advocate a patriarchal society, but the position of women also plays an important role. The latter is presented through examples of perfect women. In the Qur'an, these were the first followers of Muhammad who also had a key role in the composition of the qur'anic texts after Muhammad's death.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Bible;Qur'an;Old Testament;Abraham;Moses;Muhammad;Israel;arabian Peninsula;Mecca;Medina;temples;nomads;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 80 f.
ID: 10941898
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