magistrsko delo
Patricia Gračner (Author), Črtomir Matejek (Mentor)


Namen raziskave je bil primerjati kontraktilne lastnosti mišic spodnjih okončin med športnicami in nešportnicami. Primerjali smo asimetrije sedmih skupin mišic, in sicer notranje široke mišice (vastus medialis), lateralne široke mišice (vastus lateralis), preme stegenske mišice (rectus femoris), dvoglave stegenske mišice (biceps femoris), polkitaste mišice (semitendinosus), lateralne dvoglave stegenske mišice (gastrocnemius lateralis), notranjo dvoglavo stegensko mišico (gastrocnemius medialis). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 18 športnic, igralk Ženskega košarkarskega kluba Cinkarna Celje, in 20 nešportnic. Za merjenje kontraktilnih lastnosti mišic smo uporabili neinvazivno metodo tenziomiografije. Za ugotavljanje razlik med športnicami in nešportnicami smo uporabili test za neodvisne spremenljivke. Pridobljene podatke meritev smo statistično obdelali in tabelarično prikazali. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med športnicami in nešportnicami v posameznih parametrih. Čas relaksacije (Tr) leve gastrocnemius lateralis in leve gastrocnemius medialis, je pri športnicah krajši kot pri nešportnicah. Čas kontrakcije (Tc) desne gastronemius medialis je pri nešportnicah krajši kot pri športnicah. Čas skrčka (Ts) leve gastrocnemius medialis in desne rectus femoris je pri športnicah krajši kot pri nešportnicah. Maksimalni odmik trebuha mišice (Dm) leve in desne gastrocnemius medialis je pri nešportnicah manjši kot pri športnicah, na desni semitendinosus je odmik trebuha mišice manjši pri športnicah. Čas zakasnitve (Td) desne semitendinosus in desne gastrocnemius medialis je krajši pri nešportnicah. Ugotavljamo, da med športnicami in nešportnicami ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v lateralnih in funkcionalnih simetrijah. Tako lahko sklepamo, da udejstvovanje na ravni vrhunskega športa ne povzroča dodatnih medmišičnih neskladnosti v primerjavi z nešportnicami.


magistrska dela;skeletne mišice;krčljivost;športna aktivnost;mišična neskladja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Gračner]
UDC: 796.03:616.748(043.2)
COBISS: 23974920 Link will open in a new window
Views: 836
Downloads: 129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of contractile properties of muscles in women athletes and none-athletes
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the study was to compare the contractile properties of muscles between women athletes and non-athletes. We compared the asymmetries of the seven groups of muscles in the legs, namely the medial side of femur intersection (vastus medialis), the lateral side of proximal femur (vastus lateralis), the anterior inferior iliac spine, upper edge of acetabulum muscle (rectus femoris), linea aspera and second supracondylar ridge of femur muscle (biceps femoris), the semitendinosus muscle (semitendinosus) lateral condyle of femur muscle (gastrocnemius lateralis), and medial condyle of femur muscle (gastrocnemius medialis). The research involved 18 female athletes from the women's basketball club Cinkarna Celje and 20 non-athletes. A non-invasive method of tensiomyography was used to measure the contractile properties of muscles. To determine the differences between athletes and non-athletes, we used the t-test for independent variables. The obtained metric data was statistically processed and tabulated. The results of the measurements showed that there are statistically significant differences between athletes and non-athletes in individual parameters, namely during the relaxation (Tr) of the left gastrocnemius lateralis and left gastrocnemius medialis, where athletes have shorter relaxation times than non-athletes. The contraction time (Tc) of the right gastronemius medialis, where shorter contractions occur in non-athlete women than in athletes. The time of the entire muscular action (Ts) on the left gastrocnemius medialis and right rectus femoris, where shorter periods of muscle activity appear in athletes. The maximum deviation of the abdomen of the musculature (Dm) of the left and right gastrocnemius medialis, where the slight disturbance of the abdomen of the muscle occurs in non-athletes, and the right semitendinosus, where a slight detachment of the muscle abdomen occurs in athletes. The delay time (Td) of the right semitendinosus and the right gastrocnemius medialis, where non-athletes achieve shorter periods of time than non-athletes. Among athletes and non-athletes, we discovered that both in lateral and functional symmetries there are no statistically significant differences. Thus, we can conclude that engaging in top level sports does not cause additional intramuscular inconsistencies compared to non-athletes.
Secondary keywords: master theses;skeletal muscles;crunchiness;sports activities;muscular disorders;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 91 f.
ID: 10942130