magistrsko delo
Nina Tovornik Jurgelj (Author), Andrej Rahten (Mentor), Olga Denac (Co-mentor)


Sloveniji so pihalne godbe pomemben del ljubiteljske kulture. Skozi zgodovino so s svojim delovanjem v kulturnem in družabnem življenju ljudi dobile pomembno mesto. V magistrskem delu spremljamo zgodovino Laške pihalne godbe, od njenega nastanka leta 1862 do leta 1992, ko je godba praznovala 130. obletnico svojega delovanja. V obravnavanem obdobju so se dogajale politične, družbene in socialne spremembe, ki so vplivale na razvoj godbe. V 130 letih je Laško pihalno godbo vodilo 14 kapelnikov. Delovanje laške godbe nista ustavili svetovni vojni, pomanjkanje finančnih sredstev in konstantno iskanje ustreznega vadbenega prostora. V magistrskem delu sem podrobno opisala tudi druge pomembne mejnike, kot so: prvi nastop izven slovenskih meja, ustanovitev dislociranega oddelka Glasbene šole Radeče v Laškem, sponzorstvo Pivovarne Laško, dva vzpona na Triglav, ustanovitev mažoretne skupine in še bi lahko naštevali. Glavni vir pisanja magistrskega dela je bil arhiv Laške pihalne godbe, ki hrani zapisnike in dopise od leta 1933 dalje. Arhivskim virom so dodani spomini laških godbenikov, s katerimi sem opravila intervjuje.


kulturna zgodovina;pihalne godbe;kulturna društva;godbeniki;Laška pihalna godba;Laško (Slovenija);1862/1992;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Tovornik Jurgelj]
UDC: 930.85:785.12(497.4Laško)"1862/1992"
COBISS: 43239213 Link will open in a new window
Views: 908
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂBrass Band of Laško and the cultural pulse of Laško at the turn of the times (1862-1992)
Secondary abstract: In Slovenian amateur culture, brass bands play an important role. Throughout history, the music of brass bands makes a significant impact on people's cultural and social lives. In this master's degree thesis, we follow the history of the Laško's Brass Band, since its establishment in 1862 until the year of 1992, when the band celebrated its 130th anniversary. During that time period, there were political and social changes which influenced the development of the band. In the 130 years, Laško's Brass Band has had 14 different conductors. However, despite the two world wars, constant lack of financial resources and inadequate rehearsal conditions, the band has never stopped. Other important milestones include: the first appearance outside the Slovenian borders, the establishment of the relocated section of the Music School Radeče in Laško, the sponsorship of Pivovarna Laško, two ascents to Triglav, the establishment of a majorette group and many others. The main source of writing the master's degree thesis was Laško's Brass Band archive, which keeps records and letters from 1933 onwards. As an additional source I have also added the memories of the Laško's Brass Band members, which I interviewed.
Secondary keywords: cultural history;brass bands;cultural societies;bandsmen;Laško's Brass Band;Laško (Slovenija);1862/1992;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 75 str.
ID: 10942440