poročilo o raziskavi
Tanja Šučurović (Author), Jože Prestor (Reviewer), Damjan Slabe (Mentor), Janez Kramar (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Znanje in veščine prve pomoči so pomembne za celotno skupnost, še posebej pri bolj ranljivih skupinah, kamor sodijo tudi starostniki. Možganska kap in srčni zastoj sta dve ogrožajoči stanji za vse nas. Tako pri akutni možganski kapi kot nenadnem srčnem zastoju, je prepoznava stanja ter takojšnji ukrepi prve pomoči, ki jih izvedejo očividci, ključno za izid zdravljenja ali celo preživetje bolnika. Namen: Predstaviti pomen znanja prve pomoči, ugotoviti raven teoretičnega znanja starostnikov o prvi pomoči v primeru akutnega miokardnega infarkta in možganske kapi ter ugotoviti poznavanje številke za klic v sili. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela in pregledana tako slovenska kot tuja strokovna literatura. Raziskava je temeljila na ne-eksperimentalni kvantitativni metodi empiričnega raziskovanja, podatke smo zbrali s tehniko anketiranja. Anketni vprašalnik je vseboval 12 vprašanj zaprtega in odprtega tipa, na anketo je odgovorilo 121 starostnikov. Rezultati: Večina anketiranih pozna prve znake akutnega miokardnega infarkta in možganske kapi. Tako je znake akutnega miokardnega infarkta pravilno prepoznalo 88,4 % anketiranih, znake možganske kapi pa 90,9 % anketiranih. Tudi njihovo poznavanje ukrepov je bilo dobro, saj bi ob pojavu nenadne bolečine v prsnem košu, številko za klic v sili poklicalo 70,3 % anketiranih, sorodnike in sosede bi poklicalo 17,4 % vprašanih. Pri sumu na možgansko kap, so bili ukrepi starostnikov še nekoliko boljši, za klic na številko 112 se je odločilo 78,5 % anketiranih, sorodnike in sosede pa bi poklicalo 14,9 % vseh vprašanih. Večina starostnikov pozna številko za klic v sili, vendar bi v primeru nujnega stanja to številko poklicala tretjina vprašanih, druga tretjina pa sorodnike in sosede. Polovica starostnikov nima zapisane številke za klic v sili in med temi je 12,4 % navedlo napačno številko, med tistimi starostniki, ki zapis imajo pa jih 10,8 % ni pravilno odgovorilo. Dodatno usposabljanje iz prve pomoči si želi polovica starostnikov, znanje bi najraje obnovili s pomočjo televizijskih oddaj, brošur, nekoliko manj zanimanja so pokazali za delavnice. S starostjo zanimanje za obnovitev znanja iz prve pomoči pada. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da starostniki dobro poznajo znake akutnega srčnega infarkta in možganske kapi ter v večini primerov tudi poznajo ukrepe prve pomoči pri teh dveh nujnih stanjih. Še vedno so starostniki, ki ob pojavu njunega stanja ne bi poklicali številke za klic v sili, raje bi poklicali sorodnike in sosede. Ugotovili smo tudi boljše poznavanje številke za klic v sili v primerjavi z raziskavami drugih avtorjev iz preteklih let. Smiselno bi bilo starostnike v čim večjem številu vključiti v usposabljanje iz prve pomoči, jim le to ponuditi na primeren način, samo usposabljanje pa izvesti v njihovem domačem okolju torej lokalnih skupnostih.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;prva pomoč;starostniki;srčni zastoj;možganska kap;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Šučurović]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5451371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1148
Downloads: 295
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: First aid knowledge among the elderly in the Savinja and Šalek valley
Secondary abstract: Introduction: First aid knowledge and skills are important for the entire community and particularly vulnerable groups, including the elderly. Stroke and cardiac arrest are critical conditions that put everybody at risk. In case of acute stroke as well as sudden cardiac arrest, their identification and immediate first aid measures by witnesses are vital for the outcome of treatment and even the rate of survival. Objective: To outline the importance of first aid knowledge, identify the level of theoretical first aid knowledge associated with acute myocardial infarction and stroke and determine the awareness of emergency phone numbers among the elderly population. Methodology: The descriptive method was employed and Slovenian as well as foreign scientific literature reviewed. The study is based on non-experimental quantitative empirical research methods while data was collected via questionnaires. The questionnaire comprised 12 closed and open-ended questions and was answered by 121 older people. Results: The majority of participants are capable of identifying the first symptoms of acute myocardial infarction and stroke. Acute myocardial infarction symptoms were recognised by 88,4 % and stroke symptoms by 90,9 % of participants. Also favourable was their knowledge of first aid measures; with the onset of sudden chest pain, 70,3 % would dial the emergency phone number and 17,4 % family and neighbours. In case of potential stroke, the level of knowledge on first aid measures was even better; 78,5 % of participants have indicated that they would call 112 while 14,9 % of participants would contact relatives and neighbours. The majority of participants are familiar with the emergency phone number; however, in case of emergency, only a third would opt for calling 112 while the rest would contact family and neighbours. Half of participants do not have the emergency phone number recorded, with 12,4 % of them indicating the incorrect number. Among the other half of participants who have the emergency number recorded, 10,8 % failed to provide the correct answer. Further first aid training is desired by half of participants who would prefer to improve their knowledge through television shows and leaflets while less interest was exhibited in workshops. As age increases, the interest in improving first aid knowledge diminishes. Discussion and conclusion: It was established that the elderly population is well acquainted with acute myocardial infarction and stroke symptoms and that they are also generally familiar with first aid measures associated with the conditions. However, there are individuals that, in case of onset of the conditions, would not opt for calling the emergency phone number and instead contact their family and neighbours. Also established was an increase in the level of knowledge of emergency phone numbers compared to studies in the field by other authors in previous years. It would make sense to include as many older persons as possible in first aid training, delivered in a suitable manner and conducted in a familiar environment, e.g. the local community.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;first aid;elderly;cardiac arrest;stroke;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 47 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 10942454