primer SOP Krško
Isak Alijagić (Author), Mateja Dovjak (Mentor), Sebastjan Bratina (Thesis defence commission member), Uroš Stritih (Co-mentor)


Zahteve po energijski učinkovitosti stavb, notranje udobje in varovanje okolja morajo iti z roko v roki. V zadnjem času je vedno več govora o zmanjševanju emisij CO2, ter povečanju energijske učinkovitosti in deleža obnovljivih virov energije. Namen dela je na konkretnem primeru stavbe-SOP Krško, t.j. prvem primeru dvojne steklene fasade v Sloveniji, analizirati delovanje dvojne fasade z vidika izbranih parametrov energijske učinkovitosti in notranjega udobja. Na začetku naloge smo pogledali zakonodajne osnove z naborom kriterijev učinkovite rabe energije in udobja. Bazo sta predstavljala Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah (PURES) in Gradbeni zakon, Pravilnik o prezračevanju in klimatizaciji stavb, v pomoč pa nam je bila tudi Tehnična smernica TSG-1-004:2010-Učinkovita raba energije ter področni standardi in priporočila. Glavni del naloge predstavlja analiza stavb z dvojno fasado, kjer smo s pomočjo raziskav na tem področju predstavili koncept njihovega delovanja in preučili primere dobre prakse. Na podlagi pregledane literature in dejanskega stanja našega objekta smo podali razloge za neučinkovitost delovanja dvojne fasade. Na objektu smo izvedli meritve (osvetljenost, hrup, temperatura zraka, vlažnost zraka, hitrost gibanja zraka v prezračevalni votlini) in jih primerjali z zahtevanimi in/ali priporočenimi vrednostmi. V zadnjem delu nalogo smo nato s programskim orodjem DesignBuilder preučili dejansko stanje in določili potrebno letno energijo za ogrevanje in hlajenje omenjenega prostora ter analizirali izbrane parametre udobja. V ta namen smo izdelali 3 variante modelov: model z zaprto dvojno fasado, model z odprto dvojno fasado in model z običajno enojno fasado. Dobljene vrednosti različnih modelov smo primerjali med seboj. Prišli smo do ugotovitve da najmanj energije za hlajenje na letnem nivoju porabi model z odprto fasado (46,2 kWh/(m2a)), za ogrevanje pa model z zaprto fasado (26,8 kWh/(m2a)). Obe vrednosti sta bile dobljeni z računsko metodo prezračevanja (prezračevanje je bilo prisotno tako v votlini kot v prostorih). Najmanjša skupna primarna energija se pojavi pri modelu z zaprto fasado in računsko metodo prezračevanja, in sicer 456 kWh/(m2a). Analiza izbranih parametrov toplotnega udobja ja pokazala, da so bolj udobne razmere dosežene pri modelih z dvojno fasado. Pri modelu z enojno fasado pa ne dosežemo udobja zaradi previsoke občutene temperature. Na koncu smo vrednosti primerjali še z zakonodajo, ter podali ukrepe za izboljšanje delovanja dvojne fasade.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;dvojna fasada;energijska učinkovitost;naravno prezračevanje;toplotno udobje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [I. Alijagić]
UDC: 692.232:697.8(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 8500833 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1035
Downloads: 529
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Efficiency of double skin facade from the aspects of indoor environmental quality and energy use
Secondary abstract: Requirements for the energy performance of buildings, indoor comfort and environmental protection should go hand in hand. For this reason, there has been more and more talk about reducing CO2 emissions recently and increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. The purpose of the work is analyzing the operation of the double skin facade on the concrete case of the SOP-Krško building (the first example of a double skin façade in Slovenia) in terms of energy efficiency and indoor comfort. At the beginning of the task, we reviewed the legislative bases with a set of criteria for the efficient energy use. The database presented the Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings with a technical guideline (PURES) and the Building Act (Gradbeni zakon), Rules on the ventilation and air-conditioning of buildings (Pravilnik o prezračevanju in klimatizaciji stavb), with the help of the Technical Guideline TSG-1-004:2010-The Efficient Use of Energy (Tehnična smernica-Učinkovita raba energije). The main part of the task is the analysis of double skin facade in general, where we tried to present the concept of their operation through researches in this field and take a look at examples of best practice. Based on the reviewed literature and the actual state of our object, we gave reasons for the ineffectiveness of the operation of double skin façade. On the building we also performed the measurements (illumination, noise, temperature, humidity, velocity of air movement in the ventilation cavity), and compared them with the standards and recommendations. In the final part of the task, we then tried to present the actual situation and determine the required annual energy for heating and cooling in the measuring room. For this purpose, we developed three variants of models: closed double skin facade, opened double skin facade and common one-skn facade. using the DesignBuilder software tool. The values obtained from different models were compared with each other. We came to conclusion that the minimum annual cooling loads are achieved at open facade model (46.2 kWh/(m2a), and minimum annual heating loads at closed facade model (26.8 kWh/(m2a)). Both values were obtained by ventilation using the calculated method (ventilation was present both in the cavity and in the rooms). The smallest total primary energy occurs in the closed facade model with the calculated method of ventilation, namely 456 kWh/(m2a). The analysis of the selected parameters of thermal comfort showed that more comfortable conditions were achieved in the models with a double façade, In the case of a single facade model, comfort is not achieved due to too high operative temperatures. In the end of the task all values were compared with the legislation. Finally we introduced measures to improve the functioning of the double skin façade.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;masterʼs thesis;doule skin facade;energy performance;natural ventilation;thermal comfort;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 84 str.
ID: 10942523