zaključno delo
Jan Breznik (Author), Bojan Struger (Mentor)


Namen zaključnega dela je preučiti v zvezi z učinki teka tudi fiziološke osnovne ohranjanja in krepitve vzdržljivosti pri tem. Preučeni so viri, ki so dosegljivi na spletu, iz slovenskega prostora, to so viri športnih in medicinskih strokovnjakov splošnih vsebin ter novejši tuji viri in literatura z ilustracijo rezultatov posameznih podrobnejših raziskav. Opisan je osnovni fiziološki odziv na telesni napor, vpliv treninga teka na vzdrževanje in povečevanje sposobnosti delovanja srčno-žilnega sistema in na kognitivne funkcije. Tek ima lahko vrsto pozitivnih ali negativnih učinkov, kar moramo upoštevati pri treningu te atletske discipline. Na pregleden način so zbrane ugotovitve medicinskih športnih strokovnjakov in predstavljeni osnovni podatki za razumevanje vpliva teka na procese v telesu, tudi na pojav poškodb, in na učinkovitost telesa pri odzivu na obremenitve. Pomemben je tudi vpliv teka na vitalnost tekača. Razložen je način upoštevanja odziva telesa in fizioloških procesov pri treningu teka.


diplomska dela;tek;trening teka;pozitivni učinki;negativni učinki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Breznik]
UDC: 796.422(043.2)
COBISS: 24026376 Link will open in a new window
Views: 758
Downloads: 134
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of running on the body
Secondary abstract: Together with effects of running this final work describes the related physiological processes of maintaining fitness and of improving running capabilities of body. The author studied the literature available in the Slovenian language of sports and medical professionals concerning general running training as well as the literature written by foreign authors who recently published the results of individual detailed studies. The work describes the basics physiological response to physical exertion, influence of running training on maintaining and improving the capabilities of cardio-vascular system and the trainees' cognitive functions. Running can have multiple positive affects but also some negative effects. All the effects should be taken into account during the training of this athletic discipline. In a transparent way, there are included the results of medical sport research and presented some basic facts in order to understand how running influences the processes in the body, the injury risks related to running, and how the body responds efficiently to strains the overall influence on runner's vitality is also important. The final work also explains how response of the body and its physiological processes during running training can be taken into account.
Secondary keywords: theses;run;running training;positive effects;negative effects;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: 69 f.
ID: 10942613