magistrsko delo
Petra Mauko (Author), Bojan Kovačič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo predstavili talent na glasbenem področju, ki so ga proučevali že številni znanstveniki. Za izhodišče proučevanja nam je služila doktorska disertacija Kovačiča (2016), ki je glasbeni talent razdelil na šest področij: glasbene sposobnosti, glasbena ustvarjalnost, glasbena izvedba, glasbeno znanje, glasbene aktivnosti in neglasbene značilnosti. V pričujočem delu so podrobneje predstavljena tri področja, in sicer glasbena ustvarjalnost, glasbeno znanje in glasbene aktivnosti. Namen dela je proučiti izraženost nabora značilnosti pri glasbeno talentiranih instrumentalistih, starih od 6 do 10 let. Zanimalo nas je, ali so izražene značilnosti statistično značilno povezane s spolom in ali se s starostjo statistično značilno zvišujejo. Anonimne anketne vprašalnike smo poslali učiteljem instrumentalnega pouka na glasbenih šolah po vsej Sloveniji. Odzvalo se je 268 učiteljev iz 39 glasbenih šol, ki so po lastni presoji izbrali najbolj glasbeno talentiranega učenca in ga ocenili s pomočjo 7-stopenjske lestvice. V raziskavo je bilo tako vključenih 268 učencev. Ugotovili smo, da so značilnosti glasbeno talentiranih instrumentalistov na vseh treh proučevanih področjih (glasbena ustvarjalnost, glasbene aktivnosti in glasbeno znanje) nadpovprečno izražene. Spol ni statistično značilno povezan z značilnostmi glasbeno talentiranih instrumentalistov na nobenem od treh proučevanih področij. Nobena izmed značilnosti teh proučevanih področij se z višanjem obiskovanja letnika v glasbeni šoli ne zvišuje.


magistrska dela;glasbeni talent;značilnost glasbeno talentiranih inštrumentalistov;glasbena ustvarjalnost;glasbeno znanje;glasbene aktivnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Mauko]
UDC: 78-056.45-057.874(043.2)
COBISS: 23990024 Link will open in a new window
Views: 835
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Musical creativity, musical activities and musical knowledge of students attending music school
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis explores musical talent; an area which has already been studied by numerous scientists. The basis for our research was the doctoral dissertation by Kovačič (2016), who divided musical talent into six areas: musical abilities, musical creativity, musical performance, musical knowledge, musical activities and non-musical characteristics. The present thesis explored three of these areas in detail: musical creativity, musical knowledge and musical activities. The purpose of the thesis was to study the expression of the set of characteristics in musically talented instrumentalists, aged 6 to 10. The thesis aimed to discover whether the correlation between expressed characteristics and gender is statistically significant and whether this statistical significance increases with age. Anonymous surveys were sent to teachers of instrumental classes in music schools throughout Slovenia. 268 teachers from 39 music schools completed the survey. They assessed whom they believed to be their most musically talented pupil on a 7t-level scale. The research included 268 pupils. The results showed that the characteristics of musically talented instrumentalists in all three studied areas (musical creativity, musical activities and musical knowledge) are expressed above average. The correlation between gender and the characteristics of musically talented instrumentalists was not statistically significant in any of the three studied areas. The expression of the three studied areas did not increase with age.
Secondary keywords: master theses;musical talent;characteristics of musically talented instrumentalists;musical creativity;musical knowledge;musical activities;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 96 str.
ID: 10942846