magistrsko delo
Bojan Šuštar (Author), Damjan Lajh (Mentor)


Cilj magistrskega dela je predstaviti vlogo Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije (RS) pri implementaciji pravnega reda Evropske unije (EU) v slovensko zakonodajo skozi vidik prilagajanja okoljske zakonodaje v mandatnih od leta 2004 do sredine leta 2016. Za širše razumevanje tematike delo prinaša opredelitev pojmov evropeizacije, javne politike, implementacijskega primanjkljaja in direktive kot temeljnega sredstva harmonizacije nacionalnih zakonodaj z evropskim pravnim redom. Predstavljena sta vloga nacionalnih parlamentov in vprašanje demokratičnega primanjkljaja kot stalnice strokovnih razprav o njihovi vlogi v EU. Vsebinski poudarek je dan zakonodajnemu postopku v primerih implementacije evropskega pravnega reda ter odnosu med državnim zborom in vlado v njem. »Implementacijska pobuda« je izrazito na strani vlade, državni zbor vskoči le v primerih, ko prilagajanje slovenske zakonodaje terja nov zakon ali pa spremembo obstoječega. Magistrsko delo zaradi ugotavljanja vloge državnega zbora skozi vidik zakonodaje na področju okolja predstavi tudi nadnacionalne oziroma EU-akterje ter vladne in nevladne akterje na področju okoljskih politik, ki se soočajo na štirih ravneh: subnacionalni, nacionalni, nadnacionalni in globalni. Nekaj dodatne pozornosti je pri tem namenjeno nevladnim organizacijam, ki so z evropeizacijo pridobile pomen. Vladni akterji jih v javnopolitični proces vključujejo kot blažilce konflikta med evropskimi odločevalci in pričakovanji volilnega telesa.


Državni zbor Republike Slovenije;National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia;Pravna ureditev;Zakonodaja;Okolje;Slovenija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [B. Šuštar]
UDC: 342.53(043.3)
COBISS: 35680093 Link will open in a new window
Views: 739
Downloads: 269
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in the implementation of the EU acquis into Slovenian legislation in the case of environmental legislation
Secondary abstract: The objective of the thesis is to present the role of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in the implementation of the acquis of the European Union (EU) into Slovenian legislation through the aspect of adaptation of environmental legislation in mandates from 2004 to the middle of 2016. For a broader understanding of the issue, the thesis presents the definitions of Europeanisation, public policy, deficit of the implementation and directive as the basic means of harmonisation of national legislations with the European acquis. The role of national parliaments and the issue of the democratic deficit as constants in expert discussions on their role in the EU are presented. Substantive emphasis is given to the legislative procedure in cases of implementation of the European acquis as well as to the relationship between the National Assembly and the Government in this procedure. The »implementation initiative« is distinctly on the side of the Government, the National Assembly is involved only in cases where the adaptation of Slovenian legislation requires a new law or a modification of an existing one. In order to determine the role of the National Assembly through the aspect of environmental legislation, the thesis also presents transnational or EU actors and governmental and nongovernmental actors in the field of environmental policies which are facing at four levels: subnational, national, transnational and global. Some additional attention is given to nongovernmental organisations which gained in importance due to Europeanisation. Governmental actors involve them in the public policy process as shock absorbers in conflicts between European decision makers and expectations of the electorate.
Secondary keywords: Legal regulation;Legislation;Environment;Slovenia;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 69 str.
ID: 10942864