diplomsko delo
Andrej Omerzel (Author), Aleš Ferčič (Mentor)


Zaradi bliskovitega in vseobsegajočega tehnološkega napredka lahko trdimo, da je zasebnost mrtva oziroma v svojih zadnjih izdihljajih. Tako v zasebnem kot v javnem sektorju se z različnimi nameni vse hitreje in v vse večjem obsegu zbirajo osebni podatki. V zasebni sferi predvsem z namenom profiliranja potencialnih kupcev in lažje prodaje, v javni sferi pa z namenom lažjega nadzora nad državljani in izvrševanjem nacionalnih zakonodaj. Varovanje zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov predstavlja enega izmed temeljev nove EU zakonodaje. Vse države članice posodabljajo nacionalne zakonodaje, ki se dotikajo varovanja osebnih podatkov. Z diplomskim delom želim dokazati podobnosti slovenske, avstrijske in nemške zakonodaje iz varovanja osebnih podatkov, hkrati pa osvetliti posamezne razlike. Potrditev hipotez bom podkrepil s primerjanjem vseh treh nacionalnih zakonodaj, in sicer na podlagi rezultatov krajšega vprašalnika, ki bo posredovan na vsa tri ministrstva in proučevanjem domače in tuje literature na nivoju primerjanja dejstev in procesov z namenom odkrivanja podobnosti in razlik.


varstvo osebnih podatkov;osebni podatki;Splošna uredba o varstvu osebnih podatkov;Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti;Ministrstvo za delo;Nemčija;Avstrija;Slovenija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Omerzel]
UDC: 341.2(043.2)
COBISS: 5611051 Link will open in a new window
Views: 974
Downloads: 108
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Protection of personal data in the ministry of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities, in comparison with the austrian and german ministry of labour
Secondary abstract: Because of fast and all-encompassing technological advance, we can claim that privacy is dead or better, that it is in its last breaths. Private as well as public sector is gathering personal data faster and in ever greater amount for different reasons. In the public sphere personal data is collected for the purpose of easier control over citizens and for execution of national legislation. Protection of privacy and personal data represents one of the foundations of new EU legislation. All member states are updating national legislations, that are regulating protection of personal data. With my dissertation I wish to prove the interconnectedness of Slovenian, Austrian and German legislation regulating protection of personal data and at the same time I wish to illuminate particular differences. The confirmation of my theses will be substantiated by comparing all three national legislations, this will be done with a short questionnaire, which will be sent to all three relevant ministries, and by the study of facts and processes with the purpose of finding similarities and differences in the domestic and foreign literature.
Secondary keywords: Protection of personal data;personal data;General Data Protection Regulation;Ministry of Labour;Family;Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities;Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Germany);Ministry of Labour;Social Affairs;Health and Consumer Protection (Austria).;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 28 f.
ID: 10943947