poročilo o primeru
Klara Tuš (Author), Mojca Divjak (Reviewer), Mihael Brunčko (Mentor), Franc Rojko (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Kovinsko-porcelanske restavracije so dandanes najbolj razširjen fiksnoprotetični zobni nadomestek, kar posledično predstavlja veliko vprašanj s tega področja. Kovinsko-porcelanska prevleka je sestavljena iz kovinskega ogrodja, ki porcelanu daje podporo in na katero je porcelan mehansko in kemično vezan. Lastnosti materiala izhajajo iz njegove notranje zgradbe, v katero so vštete napake v materialu (točkaste, linijske, prostorske), razporeditev atomov v materialu (amorfna, kristalna zgradba) ter vezi med atomi (kemijske vezi). Ločimo: mehanske lastnosti, fizikalne lastnosti ter mikrostrukturo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati vpliv konsistence porcelanske mase glede na lastnosti kovinsko porcelanske prevleke. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom literature. V rezultatih diplomskega dela so zajeti preizkušanci, ki so bili sintrani z višjo stopnjo omočenosti, in tisti, ki so bili sintrani z nižjo stopnjo omočenosti porcelanske mase, na katerih smo izvedli upogibni preizkus ter pregled mikrostrukture pod svetlobnim mikroskopom. Rezultati: V rezultatih je predstavljeno, kako se porcelanski preizkušanci z višjo stopnjo omočenosti ter tisti z nižjo stopnjo obnašajo pri upogibnem preizkusu, preizkusu trdote po Vickersu ter njuno mikrostrukturo, ki smo jo analizirali s pomočjo svetlobnega mikroskopa. Razprava in sklep: Pri pregledu rezultatov smo ugotovili, da ima preizkušanec z nižjo stopnjo omočenosti boljšo upogibno trdnost, mikrostrukturo in trdoto od preizkušanca z višjo stopnjo omočenosti. Pri barvi nismo našli razlik, zato lahko rečemo, da sta si v barvi zelo podobna. Ugotovitve nam povejo, da je bolje, če porcelansko maso pred sintranje posušimo s sušilcem. S tem bomo dobili boljše rezultate in kvalitetnejši izdelek.


diplomska dela;laboratorijska zobna protetika;kovinsko-porcelanska prevleka;lastnosti materialov;stopnja omočenosti;porcelanska masa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [K. Tuš]
UDC: 616.31
COBISS: 5455211 Link will open in a new window
Views: 966
Downloads: 523
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Infuence of consistency of ceramic material according to characteristics of metal-porcelain coating
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Metal-Porcelain restorations are nowadays the most widely used fixed-prosthetic tooth replacement, which in turn poses many issues in this field. The metal-porcelain coating consists of a metal frame that gives the porcelain support and to which the porcelain is mechanically and chemically bound. The properties of the material derive from its internal structure, which includes material defects (dotted, linear, spatial), the distribution of atoms in the material (amorphous, crystalline structure) and the bond between atoms (chemical bonds). Separate: mechanical properties, physical properties and microstructure. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to investigate the effect of the consistency of the porcelain mass in relation to the properties of the metal porcelain coating. Methods of work: In the diploma work we used a descriptive method of work with literature review. The results of the diploma work include test subjects that were sintered with higher stage of wetness and those that were sintered with a lower stage of wetness of the porcelain mass on which we performed a bend test and a microstructure examination under a light microscope. Results: The results show how porcelain samples with a higher stage of wetness and those with a lower stage wetness behave in the bending test, the hardness test after Vickers and their microstructure, which was analyzed using a light microscope. Discussion and conclusion: In examining the results, we established, that the lower wetting tester has a better bending strength, microstructure, and hardness than a tester with a higher stage of wetness. We did not find any differences in color, so we can say that they are very similar in color. The findings tell us that it is better if the porcelain mass is dried with a dryer before sintering. This will give us better results and a better quality product.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;laboratory dental prosthetics;metal-porcelain coating;material properties;wetting rate;porcelain mass;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 10944047