diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili logistiko iz vidika inoviranja poslovnih procesov vezanih neposredno na proizvodnjo produktov v programu prehrane znotraj dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji. Osredotočili se bomo na transformacijski proces preoblikovanja vhodnih materialov z lastno kompozicijo več strojnih enot in ugotavljali katere pozitivne učinke ta novost prinese.
Želimo odgovoriti na vprašanje o smiselnosti in obsegu inovacije na področju proizvodnje najprej v razvoju teoretične misli. Skušali bomo zaobjeti najbolj pomembne elemente teorije, ki vplivajo na razumevanje problematike in jih integrirati v razumljivo celoto. Zasledujoč razvoj misli vzdolž rdeče niti bomo teoretični pristop prevedli v materializirano pojavno obliko proizvodnega procesa, njegovih posameznih elementov in aktivnosti ter okolja, kasneje pa prešli na konkretizacijo prenove oziroma na inovacijo in njene posledice. Pokazali bomo, da inoviranje ni niti nevsakdanja eksotika niti nuja, s katero bi se občasno soočali, ampak del življenja vsake gospodarske pojavne oblike. Spremembo bomo zavestno zasnovali in usmerjali tako, da bo prinesla koristi v proizvodnji in hkrati v vseh povezanih aktivnostih tako notranjega transporta, področja dobaviteljev, zagotavljanja kvalitete, skladišč, izkoristkov in podobno.
kmetijstvo;poslovni procesi;optimizacija;organizacija;logistika;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FL - Faculty of Logistics |
Publisher: |
[U. Schintler] |
UDC: |
005.4 |
Views: |
447 |
Downloads: |
32 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Inovation of the business process from the perspective of logistics in the Uroš Schintler agricultural holding |
Secondary abstract: |
We will present logistics from the aspect of innovating business processes linked to the production within the nutrition program. We will focus on transformation process of modifying input materials with their own composition of several hardware units. We will also show the positive impacts of improvement this novelty provides.
We want to establish the scope of innovation in the field of production; first of all in the development of theoretical thought. We will try to capture the most important elements of theory that influence the understanding of the problem, and integrate them into an understandable entity. We will translate the theoretical approach into a materialized manifestation of the production process, its individual elements and activities, and the environment. We will then move on to the concretization of innovation, or to innovation and its consequences. We will show that innovation is neither an unusual occurrence, nor a necessity that we experience from time to time; but a part of every economic phenomenon. The change will be consciously designed and directed in such a way that it will bring benefits in production and at the same time in all related activities of internal transport, suppliers, quality assurance, warehouses, efficiencies and similar. |
Secondary keywords: |
agriculture;business processes;optimization;organization;logistics; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko |
Pages: |
IX, 78 str., [2] f. pril. |
ID: |
10944317 |