diplomsko delo
Anja Kovšca (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljena pravica do mednarodne zaščite in njena ureditev tako na mednarodni in evropski ravni,kot tudi skozi slovensko zakonodajo. Število oseb, ki so prisiljene zatočišče poiskati v drugi državi,se iz leta v leto povečuje; posledično se svet spopada z največjim številom prisilno razseljenih oseb po drugi svetovni vojni. Problem oseb, ki so prisiljene zbežati od doma zaradi preganjanja oziroma ker bi z vrnitvijo v izvorno državo bile soočene z utemeljenim tveganjem, da utrpijo resno škodo, je sicer opazen že skozi zgodovino. Kljub temu se prvi premiki v smeri nudenja mednarodne zaščite zgodijo šele po prvi svetovni vojni. Ključni trenutek sega v leto 1951, ko je bila sprejeta Konvencija o statusu beguncev, ki še vedno ostaja edini univerzalno zavezujoč predpis s področja mednarodne zaščite. Na tem področju aktivno deluje tudi EU, ki vzpostavlja minimalne standarde glede mednarodne zaščite. EU stremi k oblikovanju skupnega evropskega azilnega sistema z enotnimi predpisi in postopki. Za uresničitev tega cilja so bile sprejete različne uredbe in direktive, kot so Dublinska uredba, uredba Eurodac, direktiva o pogojih za sprejem, direktiva o zahtevanih pogojih in direktiva o azilnih postopkih, ki zavezujejo tudi RS. Temeljni predpis, ki ureja področje mednarodne zaščite v RS predstavlja Zakon o mednarodni zaščiti, ki v slovenski pravni red vnaša ureditev EU. Prosilec za mednarodno zaščito lahko svojo pravico do mednarodne zaščite uveljavlja v postopku za priznanje mednarodne zaščite, na podlagi katerega mu je priznan status begunca oziroma status subsidiarne zaščite.


pravica do mednarodne zaščite;evropski azilni sistem;Konvencija o statusu beguncev;priznanje mednarodne zaščite;status begunca;status subsidiarne zaščite;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Kovšca]
UDC: 341:341.43(043.2)
COBISS: 2053125046 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2875
Downloads: 162
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The theme of the diploma thesis is the right to international protection on the international and European level, as in Slovenian legislation. The number of people who are forced to seek refugein another countryis growing every year. As a result, the world is dealing with the largest number of forcibly displaced people after the Second World War. Otherwise, the problem of people who are forced to run away from home because of persecution or because after their return to thecountry of originthey would face real risk of being subject to serious harm, can be noticed throughout the history. Despite that, the first movements toward offering international protection did not happen until after the First World War. The key moment takes place in 1951, when the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was accepted. To this day, it remains the only universally bounding regulation in the field of international protection. The EU also actively participates in this field, asitsets minimal standards of international protection.The EU aims to set the Common European Asylum System with unified regulations and procedures. In order to achieve this goal, the EU has accepted various regulations and directives, such as Dublin Regulation, Eurodac Regulation, Reception Conditions Directive, Qualification Directive and Asylum Procedures Directive. Slovenia is also bound by all of them. The main regulation that regulates the field of international protection in Slovenia is the Law on International Protection, which is bringing the EU regulation in Slovenian legislation. The applicant for international protection can exercise her right to international protection in the procedure for recognition of international protection, based on which the person is granted the refugee status or the status of subsidiary form of protection.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 61 str.
ID: 10944379