diplomsko delo
Roza Kodelja (Author), Marko Novak (Mentor)


Pravičnost je temeljna pravna vrednota, ki dobrine in bremena razdeljuje ter izravnava med pravne subjekte in je merilo za vedenje in ravnanje v pravnih razmerjih. Dojemanje pravičnosti je v družbi prisotno vse od samega nastanka človeštva. Vsaka pravna panoga je tesno povezana z določeno zasnovo pravičnosti in prav tako vsaka sodna odločba, ki obravnava izravnavo in razdeljevanje pravnih dobrin in bremen. Vendar pa bi bilo sojenje brez vnaprej določenih pravil, ki bi temeljilo samo na pravičnosti,prepuščeno arbitrarnosti. Iz Radbruchove formule izhaja naslednje: če je konflikt med zakonom in pravičnostjo dovolj neznosen, pravičnost zmaga nad nepravilnim pravom. Če pa je bila pri uzakonjanju pozitivnega prava zavestno zanikana enakost (ki je jedro pravičnosti), ne gre le za nepravilno pravo, temveč tak zakon sploh nima narave prava. Določbe, ki jih vsebuje Koran, primarni vir šeriatskega prava, ljudi na podlagi osebnih lastnosti (spol, spolna usmerjenost in (versko)prepričanje) postavljajo v neenak oz. neenakovreden položaj. Ker pravila šeriatskega prava načela enakosti ne le kršijo, temveč tudi zavestno zanikajo, ne gre zgolj za nepravilno pravo, temveč takšno pravo sploh ne more biti pravo.


pravičnost;pravo;šeriatsko pravo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [R. Kodelja]
UDC: 34:17
COBISS: 2053131446 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3748
Downloads: 257
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Justice is an essential legal value that tells us how to equally distribute and even goods and burdens among legal subjects and it is a standard for behaviour and action in legal relationships. The perception of justice has existed since the very beginning of human society. Each branch of law is connected with a certain scheme of justice and so is every judgement considering distribution and balancing goods and burdens. Without specifying the rules of the law in advance and ruling only on the behalf of perception of justice, such judgements would be arbitrary. Radbruch's formula states that if the conflict between the law and the perception of justice is unbearable, justice prevails over incorrect law. But if equality (the core of justice) has been wilfully denied when adopting the legislation, such law is not only incorrect, but it cannot be considered as law at all. Quran, the primary source of sharia (Islamic law) is treating people unequally based on their personal circumstances (gender, sexual orientation and their (religious) beliefs). And because sharia law not only treats people unequally but consciously denies the equality principle it cannot be considered as law at all.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 48 f.
ID: 10944404
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