diplomsko delo
Alesia Koletič (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Moderno odškodninsko pravo se ukvarja predvsem s tem, kdaj in kako naj oškodovanec dobi povrnjeno že povzročeno škodo oziroma kako naj se izogne škodi, ki mu grozi. To je predvsem odraz miselnosti, da škode ni dolžan nositi tisti, ki jo je utrpel, ampak naj mu pravo pomaga škodo odpraviti ali ublažiti. Osrednji subjekt odškodninskega prava je oškodovanec in ne povzročitelj škode. Odškodninska odgovornost predstavlja tisto vrsto obligacijskega razmerja, v katerem je en subjekt zavezan drugemu povrniti povzročeno škodo, slednji pa je upravičen od prvega to povračilo zahtevati. Splošne predpostavke za uveljavljanje odškodninske odgovornosti, ki morajo biti izpolnjene so protipravnost, vzročna zveza ter škoda. Pojasnilna dolžnost zdravnika je zdravnikova dolžnost, da pacientu pojasni njegovo diagnozo, terapijo in način ter prognozo zdravljenja in posledice opustitve zdravljenja. Pacientu je s pravilno izpolnitvijo te zdravnikove dolžnosti zagotovljena ustavna pravica do samoodločbe in možnost, da na podlagi dejstev oblikuje svojo svobodno voljo. Vsebino, obseg, obličnost in trenutek pojasnila predpisuje zakon, vendar pa je pomembno, da zdravnik pojasnilo prilagodi vsakemu pacientu posebej. Zakonsko urejeni so tudi primeri, v katerih pojasnilo ni potrebno. Odškodninsko odgovornost zdravnika je mogoče uveljavljati na dveh temeljih, in sicer, kot poslovno (pogodbeno) ter neposlovno odškodninsko odgovornost (civilni delikt). Meja med poslovno in neposlovno odškodninsko odgovornostjo je tanka in kot kaže iz primerov sodne prakse se glede tega vprašanja opredeli sodišče.


odškodninska odgovornost;pojasnilna dolžnost;zdravnik;pacient;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Koletič]
UDC: 614.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2053144502 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5242
Downloads: 326
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The main area of interest of modern tort law is when and how can an injured party get remedy for the damage already done or how can one avoid the threatened damage. This is a reflect of the mentality that a person who suffered an injury or loss is not obliged to suffer the damages, however, it is the law's duty to help him get remedied for the damage or lessen the effects of an injury or loss. The main subject of tort law is an injured party and not the one who caused the damage. Liability for damages represents the type of obligation in which one subject is bound to remedy the damage he created to another subject, and the latter is entitled to claim the reimbursement. There are three general elements that must be established in every liability for damages claim and those are unlawfulness, causal link and the damage. Physician's explanatory duty is a physician's duty to explain to the patient his diagnosis, therapy and a manner and prognosis for the treatment and the consequences of the treatment. The correct fulfilment of this physician's duty provides the constitutional right for self-determination and a chance for the patient to form his own free will out of the given facts. The content, extent, formality and the moment of physician's explanation is prescribed by law, however, is it of a great importance that the physician adapts his explanation for each patient. Law also prescribes the cases in which an explanation can be omitted. The physician's liability for damages can be established on two foundations, which are contractual (commercial) liability and non-business liability (tort). The line between contractual liability and tort is very fine and as shown from the court's practice the court decides on that matter in particular case.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 60 str.
ID: 10944558