magistrsko delo
Alja Jurkošek (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Plavanje je pomembno za telesni, psihični in socialni razvoj učencev. Varnostni pomen znanja plavanja pa je najpomembnejši. Znati plavati lahko za nekatere pomeni rešiti se in preživeti. V tem vidimo glavni razlog za plavalno opismenjevanje učencev. Osnovna šola učencem organizira dovolj plavalnih vsebin, da na koncu šolanja pridobijo naziv plavalca, vendar pa se v sistemu plavalnega opismenjevanja zapisuje samo število plavalcev oziroma neplavalcev in njihovi pridobljeni nazivi po uveljavljenih merilih in ne popolnost izvedbe plavanja. Problem magistrskega dela je bil ravno v tem, da smo ugotovili, katere napake in koliko jih naredijo tretješolci po obveznem 20-urnem plavalnem tečaju pri izvajanju osnovnih plavalnih tehnikah: kravl, prsno in hrbtno. V raziskavo smo vključili 271 tretješolcev (2017/18) iz osmih celjskih osnovnih šol. Rezultate smo pridobili z izpolnjevanjem vnaprej pripravljenih treh opazovalnih listov (tehnika kravl, prsno in hrbtno). Rezultati so pokazali, da zelo visok odstotek učencev plava vse tri osnovne plavalne tehnike (kravl, prsno in hrbtno). Pri osnovni tehniki kravl imajo učenci največ napak pri položaju glave, udarcih in pri zavesljajih. Napake, ki smo jih najpogosteje zabeležili pri osnovni tehniki prsno, so odsotnost drsenja tako pri udarcih kot zavesljajih, odsotnost izdihovanja v vodo in nepopolnost izvedbe udarcev. Pri osnovni tehniki hrbtno pa imajo učenci največ težav z udarci, zavesljaji in s položajem telesa. Z rezultati raziskave želimo opomniti, da se je potrebno pri učenju plavanja posvetiti tudi pravilni izvedbi plavalne tehnike in dati več pozornosti odpravljanju napak, ki so se izkazale za najpogostejše.


plavalno opismenjevanje;plavalni tečaj;plavalne tehnike;prvo triletje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Jurkošek]
UDC: 797.2(043.3)
COBISS: 12046153 Link will open in a new window
Views: 560
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The most common mistakes in the basic swimming techniques after a 20-hour swimming course in the first cycle of the primary school
Secondary abstract: Swimming is important for the students' physical, mental, and social development. However, the safety aspect of swimming is of paramount importance. Swimming skills can make a difference in terms of being able to save oneself and survive. We believe this is the key reason for swimming training, or swimming literacy development, for students. Elementary school offers its students enough swimming contents for them to acquire the title of a swimmer at the end of their education. However, the system of swimming lessons (development of swimming literacy) only records the number of swimmers or non-swimmers and their acquired titles based on the standard criteria, rather than based on the level, or perfection, of their swimming skills. The central task of the Master's thesis was to determine which errors and how many of them the third-grade students commit after the mandatory 20-hour swimming course when performing the basic swimming techniques: front crawl, breaststroke, and backstroke. Our research includes 271 third-grade students (2017/18) from Celje's eight elementary schools. The results were obtained by filling out three previously prepared observation sheets (front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke). The results have shown that a high percentage of students are able to swim with all three basic swimming techniques (front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke). In the basic front crawl technique, the students commit the most errors with regard to head position, downsweep, and insweep. Most frequently observed errors in the basic breaststroke technique include lack of gliding during both the outsweep and insweep, absence of exhaling into the water, and imperfections in the execution of the strokes. In the basic backstroke technique, the students were observed to struggle the most with the catch phase, the mid-pull phase, and body positioning. The results of our research point out that when teaching swimming, considerable attention should also be paid to correct execution of the swimming techniques, and that more care should be taken to correct the most frequently observed errors.
Secondary keywords: swimming;primary education;plavanje;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: X, 72 str.
ID: 10944837