magistrsko delo
Valentina Žalig (Author), Irena Ban (Mentor), Irena Petrinić (Co-mentor), Mojca Slemnik (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo vsebuje študijo, katere namen je bil poskušati sintetizirati magnetne nanodelce železovega oksida funkcionalizirane s primernimi prevlekami, ki bodo uporabni pri procesu čiščenja odpadne vode s pomočjo napredne osmoze. V ta namen smo s soobarjalno metodo sintetizirali magnetne nanodelce železovega oksida s prevleko iz natrijevega poliakrilata oz. citronske kisline. V želji po sintezi nanodelcev s čim višjim osmotskim tlakom, ki je ključen pri izvedbi osmoznega procesa, smo optimizirali nekatere pomembne parametre sintez. Za najbolj optimalno pri obeh sintezah se je izkazala dvostopenjska sinteza s temperaturo sinteze 90 °C in časom sinteze 30 min. Pri sintezah nanodelcev oblečenih s citronsko kislino smo optimizirali še množinsko razmerje Fe3+:Fe2+:CA (citronska kislina). Sintetizirani magnetni nanodelci so izkazovali osmotski tlak, zato smo v laboratorijskem merilu testirali njihovo uporabnost v osmoznem procesu. Ugotovili smo, da je potrebno nadaljnje raziskave usmeriti v izboljšanje vezi med nanodelci in prevleko, saj se je prevleka spirala iz delcev med osmoznim procesom. V magistrskem delu so zbrane vse sinteze, ki smo jih izvedli in rezultati teh sintez. Na splošno rezultati doseženih osmotskih tlakov sintetiziranih magnetnih nanodelcev ter preizkus le teh v procesu osmoze kažejo na možnost uporabe nanodelcev kot gonilne raztopine za osmozni proces čiščenja odpadne vode.


nanodelci železovega oksida;soobarjanje;termogravimetrična analiza;dinamično sipanje svetlobe;osmotski tlak;napredna osmoza;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [V. Žalig]
UDC: 628.179.2(043.2)
COBISS: 21794838 Link will open in a new window
Views: 973
Downloads: 116
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles for application in forward osmosis processes for wastewater treatment
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis contains a study on iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles synthesis. The study purpose was to functionalized nanoparticles with suitable coatings, that will make particles useful in forward osmosis (FO) processes for wastewater treatment. To achieve this aim iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles coated with PSA or. citric acid were synthesized by co-precipitation method. To synthesized nanoparticles with highest possible osmotic pressure (osmotic pressure is crucial in the FO process), some important parameters of synthesis have been optimized. In both syntheses (magnetic nanoparticles coated with PSA or CA) a two-stage synthesis was most optimal. The optimal temperature of the synthesis was 90 °C and the optimal synthesis time was 30 min. In the synthesis of citric acid coated nanoparticles, we also optimized the Fe3+:Fe2+:CA molar ratio. Synthesized magnetic nanoparticles exhibited osmotic pressure, so we tested their usefulness in the laboratory-scale FO system. Our work has shown that further researches needs to be focused on improving the bond between the particles and the coating (because the coating rinse from particles). In the master's thesis all the performed syntheses and the results of them are collected. In general, the results of the achieved osmotic pressures and the results of the experimental use of synthesized magnetic nanoparticles in the FO indicate the possibility of using nanoparticles as a draw solution in the FO process of wastewater treatment.
Secondary keywords: iron oxide nanoparticles;co-precipitation;thermogravimetric analysis;dynmic light scattering;osmotic pressure;forward osmosis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XIV, 83 str.
ID: 10949373