magistrsko delo
Matej Slatinek (Author), Marijan Kocbek (Mentor)


Evropska delniška družba ali s tujko Societas Europaea je pravna oseba gospodarskega prava Evropske unije. Je nadnacionalna oblika kapitalske družbe pri kateri je osnovni kapital razdeljen na delnice, njeni družbeniki pa za njene obveznosti ne odgovarjajo. Societas Europaea je rezultat dolgoletnih prizadevanj držav članic Evropske unije, da omogočijo ustanovitev nadnacionalne gospodarske družbe, ki bo pripomogla k boljšemu in predvsem lažjemu gospodarskemu povezovanju med državami članicami in nadaljnjemu razvoju notranjega – skupnega trga. Temeljni akt Evropske unije, ki ureja Societas Europaea, je uredba, torej akt, ki se v državah članicah neposredno uporablja. Zanimiv je nomotehnični pristop Uredbe o statutu Evropske družbe (SE), saj v njej niso natančno podani odgovori na vsa pravna vprašanja. Glede neurejenih pravnih vprašanj Uredba odkazuje na uporabo nacionalnega prava, državam članicam pa dodatno nalaga sprejem pravnih aktov, ki bodo omogočili učinkovito uporabo Uredbe v praksi. Iz tega vidika je Uredba o statutu Evropske družbe (SE) po definiciji bolj podobna direktivi, kot pa uredbi. Ena izmed značilnosti ureditve Societas Europaea je tudi možnost izbire sistema upravljanja. Tradicionalno je večina držav članic za »navadne« (nacionalne) delniške družbe določala obvezno uporabo enega izmed sistemov upravljanja in posledično je pri pogajanjih glede normativne ureditve Societas Europaea prišlo do nesoglasij pri določitvi sistema upravljanja le-te. Uveljavitev možnosti proste izbire sistema upravljanja je tako kompromis, ki so ga države članice sprejele. Ustanovitelji Societas Europaea lahko tako, ne glede na državo članico v kateri družbo ustanavljajo, izbirajo med enotirnim sistemom upravljanja, ki je bolj značilen za države članice, ki so s svojo pravno ureditvijo bližje »common law« pravnemu sistemu, in dvotirnim sistemom upravljanja, ki je bolj značilen za države članice, ki so bližje kontinentalni – nemški pravni ureditvi. Posledično se je po sprejemu Uredbe v večini držav članic pojavil problem, kako ustanoviteljem Societas Europaea omogočiti prosto izbiro sistema upravljanja. Le redke države članice so že pred tem omogočale prosto izbiro sistema upravljanja tudi pri »navadnih« (nacionalnih) delniških družbah. Večina je namreč pri ustanovitvi le-teh, kot obveznega, določala enega izmed sistemov. Zanimivo je torej predvsem to, kako in na kakšen način so možnost izbire sistema upravljanja omogočile države članice, ki so tradicionalno omogočale oziroma zahtevale uporabo le enega sistema upravljanja ter kakšne poti in rešitve so pri tem ubirale.


delniške družbe;Evropska unija;Evropska delniška družba;gospodarsko statusno pravo;Societas Europaea;korporacijsko upravljanje;enotirni sistem upravljanja;dvotirni sistem upravljanja;implementacija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: M. Slatinek]
UDC: 347.191.11(043.3)
COBISS: 5642795 Link will open in a new window
Views: 981
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparative legal regulation of management systems of Societas Europaea in Republic of Slovenia and United Kingdom
Secondary abstract: European company or in Latin Societas Europaea is a legal person of company law of European Union. It is a transnational form of corporation or company, which capital is divided into shares and shareholders are not responsible for obligations of the company. Societas Europaea is a result of long years of effort. Member states have tried for a long time to enable the establishment of transnational corporation, which will contribute to better and easier business relations connections between member states and help to a further development of common market. Main legal act, which regulates Societas Europaea, is regulation. Regulation is a binding legislative act, which is directly applicable all across the EU. Regulation on the Statute for a European company (SE) is not giving answers to all legal question concerning framework of Societas Europaea. In some cases, Regulation refers to national company law legislation. Member states shall also accept additional legislation, which will enable effective use and practical application of Regulation. From this point Regulation on the Statute for a European company (SE) looks more similar to the directive, than the regulation. Founders of Societas Europaea could choose freely between two types of corporate governance systems when establishing company. Before enforcement of Societas Europaea most member states for establishing “regular” (national) joint stock company specified one system of corporate governance. When member states negotiated about the content of Regulation on the Statute for a European company (SE), they disagreed on the type of system of corporate governance. At the end, they get to the consent, that founders can choose freely between one-tier system, which is more common in member states, which are closer to common law legal system or two-tier system, which is more common in member states, which are closer to continental – German legal system. After the adoption of Regulation on the Statute for a European company (SE) in most member states consequently appears a problem how to enable a free choice of corporate governance system. Until then, only a few member states have already enable a free choice of corporate governance system for “regular” (national) joint stock companies. For those, members states specified, which system founders must choose. The most interesting part of “implementation” of Regulation on the Statute for a European company (SE) is how member states enable free choice of corporate governance system and which ways and solutions they accepted. Especially interesting is this topic in member states, which did not allow free choice of corporate governance system for “regular” (national) joint stock companies or they specified only one type of system for them.
Secondary keywords: joint stock company;European Union;European company;company law;Societas Europaea;corporate governance;one-tier system;two-tier system;implementation.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 72 str.
ID: 10949987